
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
shem 2020-09-17T10:49:04.137500Z

I was debugging some functions with cider-debug-defun-at-point and one of them produced a "Method code too large!" error. It is a largish function, 48 lines. Is there anything to be done except split the function?

shem 2020-09-21T09:57:52.004700Z

shem 2020-09-21T09:58:18.005100Z

I suppose it is a java exception

shem 2020-09-21T10:01:03.005300Z

There's nothing exotic going on, except a call to postal/send-message, which uses java interop

jumar 2020-09-21T12:34:09.005500Z

What happens if you "macroexpand-all" it? Does removing a specific piece of the implementation help?

shem 2020-09-23T09:57:36.000100Z

yeah, i got it working by commenting the call to postal/send-message