Hi, I recently saw someone using cider on youtube and they had a buffer called cider-results. How would I go about making that visible? I didn't see it in the docs.
sorry, my internet connection was really bad. Yeah, you are right. I was imagining that would be possible get these info in a different way
but probably not 😕
@decim Hi, did you mean a buffer called `*cider-inspect*`?
If so, you can call cider-inspect-last-result
@decim The cider inspecter is really useful for exploring data, paging through large data sets and navigating levels of nested data https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/evaluating-clojure/inspect.html
is there an easy way to explore a javadoc API from Emacs/cider?
actually https://github.com/skeeto/javadoc-lookup works decently but only for the java sdk
There’s a cider javadoc command that will open a browser. Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for
yeah but it doesn't work with generic libraries
yeah it's kind of the same as the javadoc-lookup package in a way
@andrea.crotti I add Java source code to the class path to help CIDER find docs for Java libraries. I appreciate this may not be available for all libraries For example, with Clojure CLI tools, I use an alias to add the openjdk sources and it helps a lot https://github.com/practicalli/clojure-deps-edn/blob/live/deps.edn#L230-L243