I'm trying to cider-jack-in-clj&cljs
, but the cljs half is failing. It works fine if I just run cider-jack-in-cljs
, though
is it shadow-cljs based?
yeah, and deps.edn for the clj side
I know you can combine them but that hasn't worked well for me so far
that uses the same build tool for both. so if you need two different executables (clj and shadow-cljs) then you can't do it that way
just jack in and then jack in cljs
when I do that it asks me about connecting a sibling repl, and then fails
when I do them together I get this message: `error in process filter: The shadow-cljs ClojureScript REPL is not available. Please check https://docs.cider.mx/cider/basics/clojurescript for details1
wait, trying jack-in-clj and then jack-in-cljs works! I think I was doing them in the reverse order
thanks :thumbsup: