
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
ozzloy 2020-10-08T01:26:30.107Z

what's the right way to make a change to .dir-locals.el and have variable be set in the currently open files?

ozzloy 2020-10-08T01:28:05.108Z

for example, line 5 here: is supposed to start my server when starting cider.

ozzloy 2020-10-08T01:28:47.108900Z

i've tried closing and re-opening the .cljs file, i've tried m-x revert-buffer,

ozzloy 2020-10-08T01:32:04.110200Z

this may have something to do with me having .dir-locals.el as a symlink to .dir-locals.example.el, that's just a guess though.

dpsutton 2020-10-08T01:58:47.111400Z

Easiest is probable restarting emacs. There’s a function β€œhack-local-variables” that might help as well. Check out the documentation on that

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T02:03:33.113400Z

@ozzloy_clojurians_net Reverting the buffer or reopening the same file has always loaded in the .dir-locals.el file for me. Although I have never tried using a symlink.

ozzloy 2020-10-08T02:03:59.113800Z

it turned out the help buffer wasn't updating

ozzloy 2020-10-08T02:04:07.114100Z

i killed and re-opened it

ozzloy 2020-10-08T02:04:33.114800Z

i tried removing the symlink and re-`C-h v variable`

ozzloy 2020-10-08T02:07:30.116500Z

sorry, that was scattered. i tried again without symlink and just copied the .dir-locals.example.el to .dir-locals.el and that didn't work. i then tried killing the help buffer that displays the value of the variable, and then re-doing C-h v variable-name and then i finally got the new value displayed.

ozzloy 2020-10-08T02:10:13.117800Z

but now i have a different problem. i added "--init src/fyi/tuwo/figserv/server.clj" to the clojure command line and now it's looking for a file named "-Sdeps", here's the messages buffer:

ozzloy 2020-10-08T02:11:00.118600Z

i'm trying putting the --init src/... at the end, that didn't fail in the same way when i ran it in bash

ozzloy 2020-10-08T03:06:56.119200Z

ok, maybe i don't know what i want

dpsutton 2020-10-08T03:58:07.119500Z

What are you trying to do?

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T07:19:54.123700Z

@ozzloy_clojurians_net It sounds like the auto-injected configuration that cider-jack-in uses is conflicting with the alias set in the .dir-locals.el configuration. Assuming you can connect to the project without Cider injecting the extra dependencies, then you can disable them using the following in a .dir-locals.el

((clojure-mode . ((cider-preferred-build-tool . clojure-cli)
                  (cider-clojure-cli-global-options . "-M:lib/cider-nrepl:inspect/rebl:middleware/nrebl")
                  (cider-jack-in-dependencies . nil)
                  (cider-jack-in-nrepl-middlewares . nil)
                  (cider-jack-in-lein-plugins . nil)
                  (cider-clojure-cli-parameters . "")))) 
The Clojure project will need to include the cider-nrepl library or have that library included in the alias used to start the project, for example

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:26:49.124100Z

@jr0cket i might try that tomorrow. going to wrap up and go to sleep soon.

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T07:28:23.125700Z

I've just woken up, good luck πŸ™‚

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:29:03.126600Z

@jr0cket & @dpsutton i'm trying to make play a game of bingo with my grampa, and other family. is what i have so far. it serves an isolated bingo game to each person that connects. i'd like to sync multiple players up by having them share the called numbers. i'm currently trying to do that with sente

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:29:54.127600Z

i'm thinking sente can make it so the server knows the current called numbers and push that out to the players. and there can be a master player in charge of adding numbers to the list of called numbers

practicalli-john 2020-10-08T07:31:10.128800Z

I assume you mean this project (and not the anti-aging skin care)

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:31:41.129600Z

current code for the bingo game is here: but right now i'm working on a throwaway thing just to learn the libs (sente, compojure, ring etc)

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:31:42.129800Z


ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:31:44.130100Z

i mean that

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:31:59.130400Z

my throwaway project:

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:32:17.130600Z


ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:32:22.130800Z

good morning!

πŸ‘ 1
ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:33:10.131400Z

i'm not married to sente. if there's a way that someone knows that is easier, i'm down to try.

ozzloy 2020-10-08T07:33:26.131600Z

good night, and thank you all!


Is it expected that CIDER (emacs) and cider-nrepl (leiningen plugin) are now out of sync? CIDER is on 0.26 and cider-nrepl is on 0.25.4.

dpsutton 2020-10-08T15:02:06.133900Z

yes they are no longer in lockstep

(defconst cider-required-middleware-version "0.25.3"
  "The CIDER nREPL version that's known to work properly with CIDER.")
in cider.el line 408

dpsutton 2020-10-08T15:02:27.134200Z

(apparently i'm a few commits behind)


Sweet. That's kind of what I figured. It was nice to connect to the REPL and not get the big scary "YOUR VERSIONS MISMATCH HEATHEN REBEL SCUM!" message. πŸ˜‚

dpsutton 2020-10-08T15:08:27.135500Z



At least that's how I always read it. LOL

bozhidar 2020-10-08T15:21:52.136Z

πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

bozhidar 2020-10-08T15:21:55.136200Z

> Prior to CIDER 0.18, CIDER and cider-nrepl were always released together and their versions had to match for things to work (e.g. CIDER 0.15 required cider-nrepl 0.15). But as the prominence of cider-nrepl grew and many other tools started using it, the two projects evolved separately and are no longer in tight lock-step. Usually, any recent version of cider-nrepl should be (mostly) compatible with a recent version of CIDER. You can check the required version of cider-nrepl for your version of CIDER by looking at cider-required-middleware-version.

bozhidar 2020-10-08T15:22:06.136400Z

(from the docs

❀️ 3

I knew you all would've written about it somewhere.


Thanks for your tireless efforts, @bozhidar! Although I still wish my logo had been accepted for the project. 😜


(Not bitter…)

dpsutton 2020-10-08T16:54:28.138Z

what was the logo? got it handy?


LOL I'll see if I can dig it up. I'm sure I have it Dropbox somewhere. πŸ™‚


LOL. The Internet Is Awesome.


My favorite comment was @bozhidar telling me how it looked like a frozen chicken! πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘ 1
πŸ˜‚ 1

God this is bringing back memories.

dpsutton 2020-10-08T17:10:50.140300Z

frozen chicken! lol

bozhidar 2020-10-08T19:44:52.145700Z

@timvisher I'm laughing out loud right now! I remember your logo proposals, but I definitely didn't remember that comment I made. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

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