
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:06:13.162800Z

Does anyone know the cause of this error?

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.HtmlConfiguration.getOptions()" because "this.configuration" is null
It is preventing me from bumping nrepl dependencies.

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:09:06.163300Z

this doesn't seem CIDER related? no idea what is going on here

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:09:42.163900Z

It only happens when I bump the dependencies of nrepl/nrepl and cider/cider-nrepl

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:10:44.164900Z

Currently we are on older versions in an alias. Which runs fine. But doing the default jack-in by calva it fails and even using the latest versions of these dependencies causes the same issue.

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:11:09.165200Z

have you got any more of the stack trace?

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:11:17.165500Z

also, can you leave out cider-nrepl and just run from the command line?

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:17:15.165900Z

Yes I can do it from the command line when I run clj

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:17:37.166400Z

It’s just when I try and jack in using calva that issues are arising

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:17:59.166800Z

do you get the error when leaving out cider-nrepl from the command line? or does it make it to a repl?

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:18:34.167300Z

No I can run a repl from command line

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:18:51.167500Z

have you got more of the stack trace?

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:19:34.168300Z

Actually let me just get a new one. Because that was when I was doing this from lein

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:22:12.168400Z

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:24:09.169Z

Runs fine on

{cider/cider-nrepl           {:mvn/version "0.19.0"}
 nrepl/nrepl                 {:mvn/version "0.5.3"}}

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:25:41.169100Z

@dpsutton this might not be the best place/way to share stack traces? I can also paste it directly in channel in a code block?

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:27:14.169400Z

what's your jvm version?

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:27:26.169700Z

i saw it had a decent message for the NPE

dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:28:57.169800Z

open an issue in orchard with this stack trace if you could

👍 1
dpsutton 2020-10-12T17:29:07.170Z

i think there's been some work in this recently and someone might have context

grounded_sage 2020-10-12T17:59:02.171Z

Yep the latest reported issue seems to be the same as I am encountering.

Ben Sless 2020-10-12T18:14:59.171600Z

Hi All, I hope it's okay to share this here. This small package wouldn't have been possible without you (and it's built on top of CIDER).

anonimitoraf 2020-10-12T22:34:31.174300Z

Hi guys, pretty new to Clojure/Emacs but I was wondering, given the existence of the datafy and nav protocols, I dont think Ive seen alternative implementations of REBL in Emacs/Cider. Are there any plans? I'm actually also interested in helping out

practicalli-john 2020-10-12T23:40:05.182700Z

I've found the Cider Inspector to be incredibly useful to explore large and nested data structures, even some Clojure transforms of some nearly data science data. I have not yet seen much about datafy or nav, so it's unclear what I am missing. I have had Congitect REBL connected to the Cider session, so all evaluation is also shown on REBL, but haven't used it that much. I seem to be missing understanding about the tool.

practicalli-john 2020-10-13T17:26:19.193800Z

I would like to know more about datafy and nav, its on my todo list (which is very long)