
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
anonimitoraf 2020-10-13T00:20:03.183100Z

Ohh, TIL that there's a CIDER inspector. I'll check this out later! From the few vids/articles I've watched/read, REBL has an implementation + UI of the datafy / nav protocols

macroz 2020-10-13T06:53:04.183700Z

I'm a little baffled but looks like .dir-local.el with cider-default-cljs-repl doesn't work if I cider-jack-in-cljs only when I cider-jack-in

macroz 2020-10-13T07:46:56.184200Z

(obviously doesn't work with the regular jack-in)

jcf 2020-10-13T13:14:38.184400Z

@macroz double check you're using .dir-locals.el. Note locals is plural.

dpsutton 2020-10-13T13:33:44.189300Z

Also it has a dot at the beginning

jcf 2020-10-13T14:14:37.193400Z

Thanks, @dpsutton. I've updated my comment to include the leading dot. 🙂

macroz 2020-10-13T19:05:18.194Z

.dir-locals.el yes the filename is correct

macroz 2020-10-13T19:08:34.194200Z

I'm currently using cider-version 1.0.0snapshot (package: <tel:202009131139|20200913.1139>)

sylvain 2020-10-20T05:30:53.234700Z

It works for me

sylvain 2020-10-20T05:31:29.234900Z

I have this in my .dir-locals.el:

sylvain 2020-10-20T05:31:53.235100Z

((nil . ((cider-clojure-cli-global-options . "-A:devtools:dev:shader-editor")
         (cider-default-cljs-repl . shadow)
         (cider-shadow-default-options . ":app")
         (cider-shadow-cljs-global-options . "-A:devtools:dev:shader-editor"))))

sylvain 2020-10-20T05:39:27.235300Z

I mean the cider-shadow-cljs-global-options is correctly passed to shadow-cljs when doing cider-jack-in-cljs. I still get a popup asking me to chose between clojure-cli and shadow-cljs which is weird.

dpsutton 2020-10-20T12:33:04.237300Z

If there are two project type files cider needs to ask which one to use. You can set cider preferred build tool if you like

sylvain 2020-10-21T07:57:21.239600Z

Ah ok right. But there's no way to specify a different build tool for cider-jack-in-clj and cider-jack-in-cljs it seems. In my case I'm using clojure-cli for one and shadow-cljs for the other.

macroz 2020-10-13T06:54:43.184Z

very baffled because I think it used to work, I can find issues of it working and not working, and even on this slack people suggesting it

jcf 2020-10-13T13:20:30.188700Z

Hi folks! I've been chatting over in #shadow-cljs about a problem with jacking into a CLJS REPL. The gist of it is when I invoke cider-jack-in-cljs with a shadow-cljs project that uses tools.deps I'm told "No namespace: cider.piggieback found". I found the following issue, that was closed by a rather egregious bot without a fix (the suggestion was to manually configure things rather than relying on Cider's built-in support): I've tried the suggested workaround and unfortunately it did not get me a working CLJS REPL. What I'm wondering is this: is this a combination of tools that people are using or have I wandered off the beaten path? Should I stick with Cider and Figwheel Main or do Cider and shadow-cljs play nice with a cider-jack-in-cljs?

dpsutton 2020-10-13T13:36:23.191100Z

Shadow is phenomenal and you’re right where you want to be. The tooling is a little rough if you use deps to run shadow but is really nice if you use shadow to manage your deps

jcf 2020-10-13T13:49:09.191500Z

Thanks, @dpsutton. That's what I'm thinking.

dpsutton 2020-10-13T13:50:03.192800Z

If you look at the dir locals for lambda island “chui” it has some tricks to make deps managed shadow nicer though

jcf 2020-10-13T14:06:19.193100Z

Evaling indent rules. Interesting.

zackteo 2020-10-13T21:14:08.197Z

May I ask what is the best way to handle the following? Other than restarting emacs entirely? Under sesman-restart for some cases and cider-restart for other cases. But what other ways of restarting cider are there? Other than closing emacs 😮

error in process filter: nrepl-send-sync-request: Sync nREPL request timed out (op clone id 1
error in process filter: Sync nREPL request timed out (op clone id 1)

hugo 2020-10-13T21:29:20.197600Z

Well if your nrepl isn’t responding you can kill that process and then close the repl buffers.

zackteo 2020-10-13T21:42:18.198600Z

@hybas3 Like the buffer? The error still occurs after killing the buffer and running cider-jack-in-cljs again

plins 2020-10-13T22:02:17.200600Z

hello everyone, Im trying to customize the cider-jack-in command, I need to expose an env variable and use a custom lein command to open the repl the official docs state that ‘You can use C-u M-x cider-jack-in RET to specify the exact command that cider-jack-in would run. This option is very useful is you want to specify a something like a lein or deps.edn profile.’ Im using doom emacs with evil mode, so C-u takes me to beggining of the buffer is there any other way of doing that?

dpsutton 2020-10-13T22:09:25.200900Z

do you know how to do a prefix argument in emacs?

plins 2020-10-13T22:09:49.201100Z

Im afraid not

dpsutton 2020-10-13T22:11:15.201500Z

did you try it from normal mode and insert mode? No idea how to do this in evil mode

dpsutton 2020-10-13T22:11:29.201800Z

probably ask in #emacs to get more eyes on it

plins 2020-10-13T22:12:51.202800Z

alright, I was wondering if there was a command, accessible by M-x that would do what C-u M-x cider-jack-in does, but thanks anyway 🙂

dpsutton 2020-10-13T22:13:47.203300Z

no. cider-jack-in is the command. the prefix arg (`C-u`) is how you modify the command

🙏 1