Hello everyone, I am having problems downloading cider/cider-nrepl 0.25.4 - I see this
Error building classpath. Could not transfer artifact cider:cider-nrepl:jar:0.25.4 from/to clojars (<https://clojars.org/repo/>): Range Not Satisfiable (416)
Anyone have any ideas what might be up here?Welp, for the record, a previous attempt to download had failed part way through, leaving 2 files which should not have been there
cider-nrepl-0.25.4.jar.part cider-nrepl-0.25.4.jar.sha1-44a45c1810349766484376557361.tmp
I removed the 0.25.4 repository subdir locally and the next attempt worked fineProbably some clojars issues.