
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
Ed 2020-10-23T17:57:49.284500Z

Hi. Part of my workflow currently is having a bit of test code in a comment form next to the function I'm currently working on, and I change the function a bit, and then eval the same bit of code again. Is there a way for cider to remember that bit of code and run it again? Took a quick glance at the docs and didn't see anything, but might well have missed it ...

Ed 2020-10-23T18:45:44.286200Z

I couldn't find anything, so I hacked this together

(defvar-local last-sexp-contents nil)

(defun ed-clojure/eval-last-sexp (&optional re-run-previous-sexp)
  "Hacked patched from cider (defun cider-eval-last-sexp ... )
Evaluate the expression preceding point. If invoked with
RE-RUN-PREVIOUS-SEXP, use that rather than the value at point
  (interactive "P")
  (if re-run-previous-sexp
        (setq last-sexp-contents (cider-last-sexp))
        (cider-interactive-eval nil nil (cider-last-sexp 'BOUNDS) (cider--nrepl-pr-request-map)))
    (if last-sexp-contents
        (cider-interactive-eval last-sexp-contents nil nil (cider--nrepl-pr-request-map))
      (user-error "No sexp has been run in this buffer - invoke with prefix arg to eval an sexp"))))
which seems to work for me ... is this a terrible idea? Have I done a bad thing? Or is it worth me putting a PR together?

👍 1
Ed 2020-10-23T18:46:33.286600Z

or is it just me that has this problem?

Endre Bakken Stovner 2020-10-23T18:52:23.287300Z

I get the following error when trying to jack-in both clj and cljs: Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at shadow.cljs.devtools.server.runtime/get-instance! (runtime.clj:11). There are suggested fixes here:, but I do not understand them. Anyone have a simpler fix? XD Or know a better place to ask?

zilti 2020-10-23T22:06:11.288300Z

Jacking in both clj and cljs with shadow-cljs never worked for me, I usually just run npx shadow-cljs watch main on the command line, then just connect clj and cljs with cider

dpsutton 2020-10-23T22:10:04.289200Z

it can't. that command tries to use two different sessions in the same process. That isn't possible when shadow is the process for FE and clojure/lein is running the backend

dpsutton 2020-10-23T22:10:49.289900Z

if you use figwheel, you can start up lein or clojure, and then run a clj repl as normal and another session that invokes the figwheel build process and ultimately gives you a cljs repl