
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
Derek Passen 2020-10-28T20:26:53.307Z

A project I work on has recently started to err out when calling cider-jack-in-cljs . The error in question looks like this:

{:type :js-eval-exception,
    {:status :exception,
     :value "Eval timed out!",
     :stacktrace "No stacktrace available."},
    :form (set! cljs.core/*print-namespace-maps* true),
    :js "(cljs.core._STAR_print_namespace_maps_STAR_ = true)"}

Derek Passen 2020-10-28T20:30:04.307200Z

Looks like upgrading the version of clojurescript to the latest fixed it