
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
practicalli-john 2020-11-02T01:05:51.346300Z

If the namespace is being added automatically when a new file is created in cider, then it's clj-refactor at work. The namespace is not added if clj-refactor is not enabled. So take a look at that project for options. Also try the clojure-mode refactoring to manually add the namespace, see if that respects the path set in the deps.edn file

timsgardner 2020-11-02T08:17:50.348Z

Hey all, another question (and I'm not even sure it's a cider question specifically): is there a way to suppress warnings? I'm doing something vaguely hacky and don't want to see my repl light up with red warnings all the time

practicalli-john 2020-11-02T09:27:07.348100Z

Evaluate code in source code buffers is way more efficient way of coding (hacking). With that approach you don't need to have the REPL buffer shown...


Hi all, @bozhidar will be presenting the Dark CIDER to the London Clojurians Meetup. We will learn all the dark secrects of CIDER directly from its author. RSVP:

jimmy 2020-11-02T17:06:02.354200Z

So, I'm trying to deal with a boot project and use cider-jack-in-clojurescript. Sadly, this ends in an error. I have tracked down the issue, to classpath conflicts on clojure/clojurescript versions in cider/piggieback 0.5.x. In cider/piggieback 0.4.2 there is no direct dependency on a clojure version. Using that version things work fine. I am curious why the explicit reference to clojure 1.8? This project is using clojure 1.10.

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:19:02.354800Z

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:19:21.355300Z

nothing of note seems to have changed. i'm surprised

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:21:03.355600Z

i also can't determine where the specific dep comes from

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:22:19.355800Z

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {cider/piggieback {:mvn/version "0.4.2"}}}' -Stree
org.clojure/clojure 1.10.1
  org.clojure/spec.alpha 0.2.176
  org.clojure/core.specs.alpha 0.2.44
cider/piggieback 0.4.2

jimmy 2020-11-02T17:23:45.356300Z

You can see on clojars that 1.8 is listed as a dependency

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:24:04.356700Z

and with

(defproject foo "0.0.1"
  :dependencies [[cider/piggieback "0.4.2"]])
/t/piggie ❯❯❯ lein deps :tree
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
 [cider/piggieback "0.4.2"]
 [clojure-complete "0.2.5" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
 [nrepl "0.7.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
/t/piggie ❯❯❯

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:25:25.357100Z

ah, i was checking with 0.4.2 like an idiot 😞

lein deps :tree
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
 [cider/piggieback "0.5.1"]
   [javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api "2.3.1"]
     [javax.activation/javax.activation-api "1.2.0"]
   [org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
   [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.8.51"]
     [ "v20160315"]
       [args4j "2.0.26"]
       [ "1.3.9"]
       [ "2.2.4"]
       [ "19.0"]
       [ "v20160315"]
       [ "2.5.0"]
     [org.clojure/data.json "0.2.6"]
     [org.clojure/google-closure-library "0.0-20151016-61277aea"]
       [org.clojure/google-closure-library-third-party "0.0-20151016-61277aea"]
     [org.clojure/tools.reader "1.0.0-beta1"]
     [org.mozilla/rhino "1.7R5"]
 [clojure-complete "0.2.5" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
 [nrepl "0.7.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:25:28.357300Z

this seems fatal

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:25:51.357700Z

the fact that it has clojure, clojurescript and closure-compiler around seems pretty fatal

dpsutton 2020-11-02T17:38:14.358200Z

jimmy 2020-11-02T18:02:27.358700Z

Thank you so much @dpsutton

dpsutton 2020-11-02T18:03:23.359500Z

no problem. sorry about that. hopefully @bozhidar can create a clean jar soon. i'm a bit surprised the version profile is put in there

dpsutton 2020-11-02T18:05:48.359900Z

if i do lein jar and then

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {cider/piggieback {:local/root "target/piggieback-0.5.1.jar"}}}' -Stree
org.clojure/clojure 1.10.1
  org.clojure/spec.alpha 0.2.176
  org.clojure/core.specs.alpha 0.2.44
cider/piggieback /Users/dan/projects/dev/piggieback/target/piggieback-0.5.1.jar
it seems to work

dpsutton 2020-11-02T18:06:06.360400Z

so perhaps if you clone it, lein jar && lein install it will work for you? then you could confirm that all is well

jimmy 2020-11-02T18:54:15.361300Z

That does indeed fix the issue for me locally

dpsutton 2020-11-02T19:02:30.361900Z

can you add that to the issue then @jimmy? with this stuff its nice that there's some confirmation that the new jar has a good chance of being correct

jimmy 2020-11-02T19:05:45.362Z


🙏 1
bozhidar 2020-11-02T21:20:15.362900Z

Piggieback 0.5.2 is out with fixed dependencies. Thanks for spotting and reporting this!

🙂 3
dpsutton 2020-11-02T21:21:09.363200Z

thanks for the release @bozhidar!