figured it out, needed to use cider jack-in/connect clj&cljs, or just connect to the clj after connecting to cljs.
I am just getting ready to set up Emacs/CIDER on a new box after a while on IJ/Cursive. I have done this before and know I was not crazy about Spacemacs, There are lots of articles out there on ding this, but is there a preferred Emacs/CIDER starter write-up we refer folks to? 🙏
i think the docs are the best. reading through that might be the biggest bang for buck. is straight forward and you'll get the most up-to-date and authoritative answers
Thx, @dpsutton. I belatedly thought to check the CIDER site but did not see anything. Thanks for the link!
if you want my config here it is:
(use-package cider
:demand t
:load-path "~/projects/dev/cider/"
(load "cider-autoloads" t t)
(setq cider-invert-insert-eval-p t)
(setq cider-switch-to-repl-on-insert nil)
(setq cider-font-lock-dynamically t)
(setq cider-show-error-buffer nil)
(setq cider-repl-display-help-banner nil)
(setq cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect 'display-only)
(setq cider-repl-tab-command (lambda () (company-indent-or-complete-common nil)))
:bind (:map
("RET" . cider-repl-newline-and-indent)
("C-j" . cider-repl-return)
;; :map
;; paredit-mode-map
;; ("C-j" . cider-repl-return)
just get rid of the "load-path" parts and that's a bulletproof setup (in my opinion)OK, saw that. This is a new company toy, no Emacs yet. I think I see some promising links on that. Thx again.
Haha, you read my mind on the config. Thx!
If you want something more out of the box or with bells and whistle than doom-emacs is pretty slick for *nix users. It's generally for more advanced Emacs users but it's pretty fast and scrappy compared to Spacemacs.