
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
theeternalpulse 2020-11-09T15:21:01.411400Z

figured it out, needed to use cider jack-in/connect clj&cljs, or just connect to the clj after connecting to cljs.

kennytilton 2020-11-09T22:01:11.414100Z

I am just getting ready to set up Emacs/CIDER on a new box after a while on IJ/Cursive. I have done this before and know I was not crazy about Spacemacs, There are lots of articles out there on ding this, but is there a preferred Emacs/CIDER starter write-up we refer folks to? 🙏

dpsutton 2020-11-09T22:04:21.414800Z

i think the docs are the best. reading through that might be the biggest bang for buck. is straight forward and you'll get the most up-to-date and authoritative answers

kennytilton 2020-11-09T22:05:36.415600Z

Thx, @dpsutton. I belatedly thought to check the CIDER site but did not see anything. Thanks for the link!

dpsutton 2020-11-09T22:06:48.417Z

if you want my config here it is:

(use-package cider
  :demand t
  :load-path "~/projects/dev/cider/"
  (load "cider-autoloads" t t)
  (setq cider-invert-insert-eval-p t)
  (setq cider-switch-to-repl-on-insert nil)
  (setq cider-font-lock-dynamically t)
  (setq cider-show-error-buffer nil)
  (setq cider-repl-display-help-banner nil)
  (setq cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect 'display-only)
  (setq cider-repl-tab-command (lambda () (company-indent-or-complete-common nil)))
  :bind (:map
         ("RET" . cider-repl-newline-and-indent)
         ("C-j" . cider-repl-return)
         ;; :map
         ;; paredit-mode-map
         ;; ("C-j" . cider-repl-return)
just get rid of the "load-path" parts and that's a bulletproof setup (in my opinion)

kennytilton 2020-11-09T22:07:24.417600Z

OK, saw that. This is a new company toy, no Emacs yet. I think I see some promising links on that. Thx again.

kennytilton 2020-11-09T22:07:55.418Z

Haha, you read my mind on the config. Thx!

justinbarclay 2020-11-09T22:11:37.418200Z

If you want something more out of the box or with bells and whistle than doom-emacs is pretty slick for *nix users. It's generally for more advanced Emacs users but it's pretty fast and scrappy compared to Spacemacs.