Has anyone ever seen this error while starting cider with clj tools?
I was just struggling with this. I modified cider-clojure-cli-global-options to include an alias that also included a different version of nrepl. Getting rid of the duplication solved it for me
Someone posted those errors in #clojure earlier today
Yeah, I'm working with @kanwei to figure it out, and we're stuck.
@timsgardner I used to think it was not working as well until yesterday where I wanted to get to the borrom of it, the gist is:
- ensure you have [cider/cider-nrepl "0.25.4"]
in your lein plugins (or equivalent)
- put the #break
in front of the sexp you want to break on. If you put it above, it does not work
Question: I just started on a clj/cljs project where the devs use cursive. I'm a cider guy. I got the backend up and running with no issue. The front end is shadow-based, but since they use cursive, they don't need a cljs repl. They have a whole source file that starts up the shadow server. What does the deps.edn or shadow-cljs.edn need so I can jack in with CIDER?
which controls the deps? are they in deps.edn or shadow-cljs.edn?
> They have a whole source file that starts up the shadow server. what does this mean?
Sorry, I'm excitedly running at the mouth. Let me try something...
The deps are in deps.edn.
shadow-cljs.edn is only for shadow config
There's a class with an entrypoint which starts up shadow internally (not via CLI)
It sets some params, does some sass work, etc... and starts an nrepl.
And everything runs locally, front and back end.
ah, thank you, I'll try that!
I'm thinking there must be a way to start from that endpoint, and still have CIDER connect.
if you get cider-nrepl in there it should just work to cider-connect
to the nrepl server that shadow starts up
ok I'll try again...
Oh wait... cider-nrepl, that's what I need. My first time working with a non-trivial deps.edn project
Making progress.... what does ':missing-nrepl-middleware' mean once shadow connection is made?