
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
practicalli-john 2020-11-23T12:07:30.090500Z

Is there a way in Cider to avoid recieving error messages in the REPL buffer. Evaluation is done in the source code buffer and code is calling a Spark data source, which is returning errors that slow down or kill Emacs due to the size. I'll try putting the REPL buffer in fundamental-mode... or writing code that doesnt cause errors 🙂


About, why are those dependencies not a fork with unique names? (Perhaps generated with MrAnderson?)

bozhidar 2020-11-23T15:53:36.091800Z

@frozenlock Because nREPL won't work if you inline it. 😄

bozhidar 2020-11-23T15:54:10.092300Z

That's the only dependency causing an issue with Lein, simply because Lein also depends on nREPL.


Ah I see. Is that a limitation of MrAnderson, nREPL.... both?


Understood, thank you very much

neilyio 2020-11-23T17:57:00.094200Z

CIDER seems to be automatically adding :require-s to my (ns...) forms... Anybody know how to turn that off?

bozhidar 2020-11-23T18:04:37.094300Z

That's coming from clj-refactor.el. Let me find the defcustom for it.

bozhidar 2020-11-23T18:06:09.094500Z

Well, depends on your perspective. The inlining changes the namespaces of the library, which means it can't interface with anything external when inlined . So, Lein can't invoke it, external middleware won't work and so on.

👍 1
bozhidar 2020-11-23T19:54:38.095200Z

Set `cljr-add-ns-to-blank-clj-files` to nil.

neilyio 2020-11-23T20:15:55.095500Z

Thanks @bozhidar. Just want to make sure I have the right feature. I like that CIDER will add (ns app.product-screen) when I create app/product_screen.clj. I don't want this to go away. My issue is that if I've previously done a (:require [app.product-screen :as ps]), something is "remembering" the ps alias and trying to automatically add [app.product-screen :as ps] to the (:require ...) form when I type ps/foo. This is the behavior I'd like to go away.

neilyio 2020-11-23T20:16:30.095700Z

I hope that makes sense, thanks for the tip.

bozhidar 2020-11-23T21:39:33.096300Z

Ah, my bad.

bozhidar 2020-11-23T21:39:50.096500Z

It's another clj-refactor feature, so it's not coming from CIDER.

bozhidar 2020-11-23T21:42:29.096700Z

I'm guessing it's this one

bozhidar 2020-11-23T21:42:46.097Z

I don't use clj-refactor myself, so I never remembered what does what exactly.

practicalli-john 2020-11-23T22:29:59.097200Z

Cider can easily add the namespace to a file using the ns snippet, so along as the REPL is running (and why would it not be)

practicalli-john 2020-11-23T22:31:55.097400Z

I found enough refactoring in clojure-mode that I rarely use clj-refactor. Thanks to @bozhidar and team for adding all these to clojure-mode