
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:

Can someone tell me if this is reproducible for them? The first pic is after M-x cider-load-buffer. Then I go into the comment after line 6 and M-x cider-eval-last-sexp. Note that in addition to line 6 having the green fringe, line 7 gets it too. Using the latest cider: CIDER 1.0.0snapshot (package: 20201125.1146

bozhidar 2020-12-04T13:33:27.220300Z

My guess is that's a bug you'll probably be able to reproduce any time you have the same form duplicated (e.g. try pulling the 3 + forms out of the comment).

bozhidar 2020-12-04T13:34:02.220500Z

Probably it's worth reporting this on the issue tracker.


ok, I’ll file it. It only happens in a comment block.


I don’t think it’s related, but I’m using M-x cider-connect-cljto connect to a headless lein nrepl.

nikolavojicic 2020-12-04T18:50:24.222200Z

Is there configuration to disable evaluation result displaying in the minibuffer?

nikolavojicic 2020-12-04T18:50:46.222300Z

dpsutton 2020-12-04T19:11:41.222900Z

(setq cider-use-overlays t)

dpsutton 2020-12-04T19:11:47.223100Z

its default is 'both

👍 2
nikolavojicic 2020-12-04T19:40:26.227500Z

Thanks. That fixed inline eval C-c C-e and C-c C-c but not whole buffer eval C-c C-k. It's ok to show buffer eval result in minibuffer but I'd like to see just one line or truncated result. Also, this is slow for larger results. (setq eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p nil) didn't help.