
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
craftybones 2021-03-07T08:39:36.238600Z

I am working on something quil related that requires usage of jdk8. Once I do that, cider starts throwing errors on the REPL. Seems to specifically be around getting eldoc

craftybones 2021-03-07T08:39:57.238900Z

ERROR: Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:op eldoc, :ns user, :sym clojure.core, :session 58ec4a68-f90e-4730-b48c-6ea94a8f23d8, :id 73}

craftybones 2021-03-07T08:43:20.239100Z

I guess there’s an issue for it here:

bozhidar 2021-03-07T10:40:10.239900Z

@srijayanth Actually, that's the result of trying to fix this issue in You can mention your problem in the comments there

craftybones 2021-03-07T10:50:45.240900Z

Thanks, will do. Meanwhile, is there anyway where I can connect to some existing repl running on JDK8 for quil and maybe a different repl on a different jdk where cider runs its middleware?

craftybones 2021-03-07T10:54:08.241400Z

I could create multiple connections and maybe limit the repl execution to some package or directory

yuhan 2021-03-07T13:56:02.242800Z

Is there any way for Cider to differentiate between regular nil s and undefined vars / general errors in Clojurescript?