
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
Casey 2021-03-12T14:27:29.253Z

How can I teach cider that is like clojure.core/if-let (or perhaps rather like clojure.core/let ) ?

bozhidar 2021-03-12T14:43:45.253500Z

I see it already has indent metadata. What's the issue then?

Casey 2021-03-12T15:16:23.254100Z

Geh, you're right. At first it wasn't indenting properly. Restarted emacs and it's behaving properly now 😕

Casey 2021-03-12T15:18:07.255700Z

Hm I wonder if it was a multiple repl thing. I've sometimes got several repls open, and it seems the cider-eval-* commands have an affinity for the last open repl window. Is there some sort of streamlined workflow for targeting a certain repl, without switching to its buffer and back?

bozhidar 2021-03-12T15:22:08.256700Z

There are some issues with the multi-REPL handling right now. It's on my todo to fix them (and maybe bring back the old mode of operation when you could just assign a fixed REPL to which to route all evaluation commands), but I've been super busy lately.

❤️ 2
bozhidar 2021-03-13T08:39:19.260700Z

Thanks! In hindsight I think that adopting Sesman was a huge mistake, but unfortunately it's not easy to undo it. It was supposed to make working with multiple REPL easier, but clearly it made it everything more complex. 😞

blak3mill3r 2021-03-15T21:01:18.266900Z

It was a nice idea to be able to send forms to the right repl for eval... but I would sometimes cider-jump-to-def into some library code in a jar, then turn off read-only-mode and muck with it and eval it... and the introduction of sesman made it annoyingly tell me that it didn't know where I wanted to eval that, even when there was only one option

bozhidar 2021-03-18T09:01:46.007500Z

Yep, in hindsight sesman created more problems than it solved. If I had more time on my hands I probably would have removed it by now.