
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
bozhidar 2021-04-22T12:24:01.358200Z


bozhidar 2021-04-22T12:26:48.358600Z

(yeah, a new release is out! Cheers! :cider: )

bozhidar 2021-04-22T17:49:07.360400Z

Let me know if there's no release on MELPA Stable in the next day or two. I named one branch 1.1.0-antora and I wonder if this might have broken MELPA for some reason.

peterdee 2021-04-22T20:49:40.363800Z

I am not too knowledgeable about how cider integrates with shadow-cljs, but my application is hanging on jack-in with cider 1.1.0 and also the melpa release from a few days ago. There isn’t anything in Messages but when I run shadow-cljs from a shell /usr/local/bin/npx shadow-cljs -d nrepl/nrepl:0.8.3 -d cider/piggieback:0.5.2 -d cider/cider-nrepl:0.26.0 watch main I get

peterdee 2021-04-23T16:01:48.370600Z

Things work with shadow-cljs 2.11.11, but not 2.12.5. For the time being, I’m going to have to live with it.

peterdee 2021-04-22T20:49:54.364100Z

CompilerException Unexpected error macroexpanding if-ns at (cider/piggieback.clj:22:1). #:clojure.error{:phase :macroexpansion, :line 22, :column 1, :source "cider/piggieback.clj", :symbol if-ns}.

peterdee 2021-04-22T20:51:20.365600Z

Does running that way even make sense? Prior to this, there is a message shadow-cljs - socket connect failed, server process dead? so maybe this the problem macroexpanding is misleading???

peterdee 2021-04-22T20:55:03.366400Z

PS I think this answers @bozhidar’s question about 1.1.0 being on MELPA; it is.

peterdee 2021-04-22T20:56:32.367300Z

…oops. Maybe not. I’m running <tel:202104221353|20210422.>802