
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
bozhidar 2021-05-27T06:36:21.043Z

Yeah, that's the way to do it.

Lukas 2021-05-27T08:14:53.044500Z

Hey, I've got a shadow cljs project running to which I connected via cider-jack-in-cljs this works fine so far (e.g. typing in the repl buffer (js/alert "hello") works). But sending a Form to the repl with C-c C-e does not work :thinking_face:. Do I need any special middleware for that? Or did I miss something else? Any pointers are greatly appreciated

Lukas 2021-05-28T08:57:13.049Z

Ty for your answers 🙏

Lukas 2021-05-27T08:16:40.044600Z

my shadow-cljs.edn

;; shadow-cljs configuration
{:deps {:aliases [:dev :app]}
 :nrepl {:port 9000}
 :dev-http {8083 "public"}
 {:app {:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es8}
        :target :browser
        :modules {:main {:init-fn <|>}}
        :output-dir "public/js"
        :asset-path "js"}}}

Elso 2021-05-27T11:39:18.046300Z

for some reason cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp is no longer opening up a pop-up buffer with the results - is there a config var for this?

Elso 2021-05-27T11:43:06.046900Z

weirdly, directly calling (cider-popup-buffer "test") pops up and to me it seems that then pprint should too

Elso 2021-05-27T13:40:41.047Z

if you're using sesman you can have a look at the sesman-browser -> maybe your repl is not properly linked

Elso 2021-05-27T13:40:56.047200Z

that sometimes happened to me when running both cljs and clj repls

bozhidar 2021-05-27T15:51:42.047700Z

Nothing related to this command has been changed recently.

jmv 2021-05-27T17:08:29.048600Z

hey all, does the :style/indent specification work with protocols?

blak3mill3r 2021-05-27T22:18:22.048800Z

yeah, try sesman-link-with-buffer (I think)