
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
jumar 2021-05-28T16:16:09.052Z

[might be spacemacs specific] I'm puzzled by the behavior of cider-format-* functions. Here using try+ example - when I define-clojure-indent with (try+ 1) then formatting functions, as expected will use 2-space indentation:

  (let [a ...
But when I'm typing and enter a new line it gets 4 spaces:
    (let [a
What could be reason for that? Is somebody else having the same problem?

futuro 2021-05-28T16:35:47.052600Z

What function does enter run?

futuro 2021-05-28T16:35:53.052800Z


bozhidar 2021-05-28T18:48:45.053500Z

@jumar The format functions run cljfmt, they have nothing to do with Emacs's own indentation engine.

jumar 2021-05-28T18:49:54.053600Z

What does that mean? That the indent style I specify is not expected to have an effect on that?

bozhidar 2021-05-28T18:52:27.053800Z


bozhidar 2021-05-28T18:54:19.054200Z

cider-repl-return 🙂

futuro 2021-05-28T18:59:53.054900Z

Thanks bozhidar! And thank you for cider!