Hello, is there a way to require dependencies on the fly instead having to restart the repl (that is already built into cider)? Like in the case of using cider-scratch
I would have to add to my global project.clj to be able to test something out. (p.s. I know there a library for this but i also forgot what it is called/how it works)
Right pomegranate
How does this work with cider? :o After adding it to my deps.edn. I know cider injects it in but what do I call to require the new libraries
Also I might already be using cljr-refactor and seems like that might work
(require '[clojure.tools.deps.alpha.repl :refer [add-libs]])
(add-libs '{some/library {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}})))
I guess you could also do it from deps.edn
file to not loose track