@marc-omorain We're moving clj-kondo to an org now: https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo But this org doesn't have mac builds on circleci, is this something you could fix?
It seems the UI is confused: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/clj-kondo/clj-kondo it's stuck
Here is the message we got for mac: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/3180/workflows/5d372ce3-08f6-41c4-b200-9cf483207992/jobs/12212
I’ll take a look now.
Are you moving it from “borkdude” to “clj-kondo” ?
github/clj-kondo is now paid for by github/borkdude's plan
I’ve tied the two orgs together - so anything in “clj-kondo” org should have the same access as the “borkdude” projects now.
ah that's handy
I'll try
Thanks. You’ll probably need to push a fresh commit.
worked, thanks a lot!
was this something I could have fixed myself?
You might have been able to do it in the plans page, of your org.
I’m not sure, I can’t see the plans page easily since I have super admin access
Now I'm seeing it: So now just my account needs special settings to give all the other projects the same settings. That awesome. Thanks a lot @marc-omorain
Your very welcome
Does anyone know what's the CircleCI image for OpenJDK 15 with Lein? (I need to test some projects on the latest JDK) I'm basically looking for the spiritual successor of `openjdk-11-lein-2.9.1`, as openjdk-15-lein-2.9.1
doesn't exist. In general I struggled to find the best way to browse the available images for Clojure, so maybe someone can point me in this direction.
I'm also not sure that images with some tools are even distributed these days, as I noticed those were labeled "legacy images" in the docs.