
rm -rf /home/circleci/.gitconfig
timo 2021-02-23T10:24:17.001Z

Hi 👋 trying to run a machine executor. Clojure is clearly stated as pre-installed software but I cannot find it. Do I need to install it via apt-get?

glenjamin 2021-02-23T13:50:20.001400Z

hrm, where does it say clojure is installed, and which image are you using?

timo 2021-02-23T15:09:35.002200Z

Was using ubuntu-2004:202101-01

timo 2021-02-23T15:11:15.002500Z

      image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01
      TIMBRE_LEVEL: ":warn"
      - attach_workspace:
          at: /home/circleci
      - run: clojure -M:benchmark --db-server-url ${DB_URL} --db-name ${DB_NAME} --db-token ${DB_TOKEN} --tag ${CIRCLE_SHA1}

timo 2021-02-23T15:12:26.002900Z

#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
clojure -M:benchmark --db-server-url ${DB_URL} --db-name ${DB_NAME} --db-token ${DB_TOKEN} --tag ${CIRCLE_SHA1}

/bin/bash: clojure: command not found

Exited with code exit status 127

CircleCI received exit code 127

glenjamin 2021-02-23T15:28:14.003200Z

ah, looks like what we actually mean is that we install leiningen

💡 1
glenjamin 2021-02-23T15:28:25.003500Z

i’ll feed back to the images/docs team

timo 2021-02-23T15:41:00.003700Z

ok, thanks