eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:21:31.055Z

OK, so we've just found something really weird with accumulators: retract-fn is never used, though documented in acc/accum.

eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:21:47.055400Z

Because retract-fn does not appear in the Accumulator record.

eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:21:57.055700Z

I'm going to guess this is not how it's supposed to work?


@eraserhd odd that it isn’t on the record definition, not sure I know why there, but it is called when provided (well expected to be)


do you have a custom accumulator you are trying to work with?


or did you try to add this to the existing acc/accum

eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:36:36.058Z

We are getting ready to build an accumulator with accum, and I was looking for how to extract those functions again so we can test drive it, and I found that retract-fn gets lost.

eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:38:50.058600Z

uhhh, whoa. I had no idea that you could add arbitrary fields to a defrecord with map->X.


you are using clara.rules.accumulators/accum to build an accumulator?

eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:39:32.059400Z

No, doing nothing but research at this point.


yeah, defrecord in clj is often considered more of a perf optimization for a common group of fields you access, they work as regular maps in many cases, and having any number of keys is one of them. the keys not defined on the record are just accessed slower on the impl side


and you can’t reflect for them etc


clara.rules.accumulators/accum supports passing the :retract-fn in


have to be a bit careful on how you do retraction though if I recall correct


if you don’t provide one, Clara will default to rebuilding things minus the facts retracted


:retract-fn is meant for when you know how to more efficiently remove a retracted fact from your reduced structure


If you had an example situation where you think :retract-fn wasn’t used though, that’d be easier to look at and walk through


ohhhh, there may be cases where it isn’t used at all


checking, I’m forgetting things

eraserhd 2018-11-01T14:44:57.063700Z

We have the ability to do more efficient retraction and combining, so we're writing a custom accumulator to get around the thrashing from yesterday. It also allows us to get rid of some intermediate facts that are frequently retracted.


when you use the accumulator


what sort of form does it have


[?acc <- custom-acc :from [<this part>]]


Are you using some joining conditions there like [X (test-something ?y z)], or just [X], or equality based join, like [X (= ?y z)]?


The point is there are 2 variants of accumulate nodes in the rules engine, one for the simpler join cases using = or no joining at all


that one is optimized for those cases because they can be done better


the other variant handles the rest, which are arbitrary other joining criteria


At this point, if I recall all the impl details correctly, providing your own :retract-fn is only a potential perf optimization. If you use the optimized, easier variant of an accumulator, it will be used, otherwise, it is ignored because it can’t be used from within the more generalized case


or really, it can’t be used to help in the more general case, it would only be slower

ProbablyJody 2018-11-01T15:10:23.071600Z

Does the accumulator maintain the reduced value before being passed to the :convert-return-fn for the purposes of handing it to the :retract-fn?

ProbablyJody 2018-11-01T15:10:46.071900Z

(assuming both are defined)

ProbablyJody 2018-11-01T15:12:11.072900Z

To rephrase, should the :retract-fn expect the output of the :reduce-fn or the :convert-return-fn?


@jody > To rephrase, should the :retract-fn expect the output of the :reduce-fn or the :convert-return-fn? It should expect the output of :reduce-fn


it’s part of the “reducing phase”, :convert-return-fn is only done after everything else


Under the current implementation (would have to double check), I don’t think working memory for the accumulate node ever maintains the :convert-return-fn value actually, just the :reduce-fn/`:retract-fn` returned value state


the reason is that the :convert-return-fn value is not considered useful to use for any subsequent changes


the reducing state is

eraserhd 2018-11-01T19:31:03.077100Z

Is it possible for an accumulator to get a net negative, e.g. more retractions than insertions. I'm wondering because maybe this is implied by the "combine" function?

ProbablyJody 2018-11-01T20:03:28.078800Z

I believe the combine function is just a performance optimizer for the reduce phase. I’d expect a net-negative to represent a bug in truth maintenance. I might be mis-understanding the question though.

eraserhd 2018-11-01T20:48:44.080600Z

I mean, obviously, if you combine all batches, you can't have more retractions than insertions. But depending on how you are batching, you could have one batch with, say three insertions and another batch with two retractions. That would mean that two retractions were applied to the initial value in that case.

eraserhd 2018-11-01T20:50:57.082300Z

Alternately, you could say that Clara enforces that retractions occur in the same batch as insertions. I'm not sure how it could, though I don't understand how this is being called.

eraserhd 2018-11-01T20:56:34.083700Z

I guess one possibility is that Clara only uses this for joins where each reduced value is a selection of attributes, such that insertions and retractions are always sorted into the same batch. That actually makes the most sense.


@eraserhd when retracting facts, with respect to an accumulator, the accumulator is only re-ran on facts that were retracted and were found to have previous matches


so the facts retracted and processed by an accumulator, should only be facts that were processed by the same accumulator before, when they were inserted


if you batched up retracts of facts that were not inserted yet, the accumulator wouldn’t need to retract anything


and it wouldn’t try


facts are considered the “same” via =


but respecting cardinality of them


ie insert 2 = objects, retract 1, you still have 1 left


if the retracted is identical? to 1 of = instances, that’d like be the one removed - but I think that’s more due to perf optimizations than anything

eraserhd 2018-11-01T22:12:47.087700Z

@mikerod OK, that makes sense. Thanks!