eraserhd 2018-11-15T19:43:17.137Z

dsl seems to parse a thing :exists as an operator, but it's not documented. This sounds like a missing feature we've wanted... is it true?

enn 2018-11-15T19:50:51.137600Z

Good catch on the missing docs. There was some discussion on the list when it was implemented, see for details.

đź‘Ť 1

@eraserhd @enn Yeah, if it isn’t documented seems like it probably should be


good find on the relevant issue

eraserhd 2018-11-15T22:55:44.139600Z

@claudius.nicolae We are going to start heavily using clara-eav, and we have three big pieces of functionality to contribute back.

eraserhd 2018-11-15T22:56:03.139900Z

Will you be at Clojure/conj?