Use a vector and no quoting needed
How is anyone going about getting the reasons for the rule decisions? Or, as often done in other systems, use the rule name, in Clara case the :doc tag. The problem I see is when I do (inspect session) the :rule-matches matches rules that never fired.
Actually it looks like the rules have a () "matches" section, that I need to check... Unclear how I should be parsing that. Is there any convenience fn's?
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, could you elaborate?
I was trying to strip out the rule :docs that had matches. It wasn't clear to me that there were rules listed that weren't fired. This did the trick: (defn matched-rule-docs [session] (let [rule-match-map (:rule-matches (inspect session)) matched-rules (filter #(seq (get rule-match-map %)) (keys rule-match-map))] (map :doc matched-rules)))
Can this be done w/o using :test?: ''' [?registry <- ListRegistry] [:test (.isMember ?registry "userguidwl" "whitelist" "userguid")] '''
(java class)
Use the this
symbol in place of ?registry, If I read your question correctly
you probably do read it correctly, ill try that.