
hawari 2019-12-23T08:21:04.011200Z

Anybody ever tried to use jsonista instead of cheshire inside clj-http? I understand that it is not really swappable, since the code to do JSON encoding and decoding is hardwired to use cheshire. I was wondering if anyone ever tried to just parse manually or fork to swap it, and whether there is a noticeable performance improvement.

agilecreativity 2020-01-04T11:47:10.017500Z

I used jsonista instead of cheshire for all other projects. Definitely due to the impressive benchmark.

hawari 2019-12-23T08:22:37.012600Z

The benchmark claim from jsonista is quite impressive and it got me thinking to try it in my next project, but I was reluctant as to whether it will be worth the time to fiddle it with clj-http