avocade 2020-09-28T12:12:46.037800Z

@borkdude hey, what's the best way to disable all/most linting in (comment) blocks? πŸ™‚ If that's possible…

borkdude 2020-09-28T12:13:00.038100Z

:skip-comments true

avocade 2020-09-28T12:13:23.039Z


borkdude 2020-09-28T12:14:00.039700Z

Also you can use #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:redefine-var]} (comment ...) for more selectively ignoring things

πŸ™ 1
avocade 2020-10-14T10:48:23.168100Z

Btw, we're building something pretty cool on top of clojure/pathom/datomic called (, would love to show it to you some time later next year and get your spontaneous input if you'd be interested. Seems pretty likely that we'll use sci heavily to run our internal "workflows" or "processes", whatever we end up calling them πŸ™‚ PS. The website has been recently stripped down to not talk too much about what we're really building, so don't be fooled if it feels a bit uninspiring hehe

avocade 2020-10-14T10:49:29.168400Z

Also going on a European tour next year to meet up with interesting people (most clojure & rust devs and designers). so would love to pop by Amersfort on our way and say hi, and buy you a beer or two as thanks for your awesome work πŸ˜„ 🍺

avocade 2020-10-14T10:49:49.168600Z

the plan was originally to do it 6 months ago, but alas #corona

borkdude 2020-10-14T15:33:38.168800Z

Thanks! Would be cool :)

avocade 2020-10-15T18:46:36.172600Z

Cool, I'll start a new chat together with my Fluent-colleague @henrik to continue chatting over the months (so I won't have to be a go-between) πŸ™‚

avocade 2020-09-28T12:24:20.040200Z

Also getting a weird issue (we think): warning: unresolved namespace clojure.string. Are you missing a require? Getting this when we're just using a qualified fn directly like (clojure.string/upper-case "hi")… same with cognitect.rebl/submit and seemingly all other non-required forms πŸ™‚

avocade 2020-09-28T12:24:42.040400Z

Obviously I'm missing something bigger hehe

borkdude 2020-09-28T12:26:01.040600Z

yes, you need to require those namespaces. relying on other namespaces loading them for you is bad practice

avocade 2020-09-28T12:26:41.040800Z

Got it, figured we were doing something non-best-practice :thumbsup:

avocade 2020-09-28T13:20:37.042900Z

I name a new (?) term HeisenLint for linter errors that appear in the background or in peripheral vision, and then mysteriously disappear when you look directly at them (cf HeisenBug). Just had one of those now, named it "Errorus Inssuficientinputus". There is an entire taxonomy of these things of course.