Some progress on the new :shadowed-var
linter: feedback welcome, now it's still in the works.
that's sooo nice!
Is there a pattern for suppressing unused warnings in defmulti
dispatch function arguments?
@hugod you can either start the args with underscores or use #_:clj-kondo/ignore
or #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
Thanks. Might be nice to have a general option, since the dispatch fn arguments are seldom all used.
Feel free to post an issue about it and a proposal for the option
Got rid of all shadowed var warnings in clj-kondo 😅
Lol, I thought it didn't work in one spot, but I had a (:refer-clojure :exclude [ns-name])
in that namespace :)
eating one's own dog food eh?
if clj-kondo's own code isn't compliant, the build fails - it's a good smoke test
I just pushed a snapshot release of clj-kondo (`2020.09.10-20201007.185225-22`) that fixes a memory problem when using clj-kondo in a long running process. Users that use clj-kondo in a long running process (on the JVM, as a library or LSP server) are advised to update to this version. Details: I already pushed out a new version of the clj-kondo VSCode extension with the fix. cc @snoe @robert-stuttaford
I will push a proper release later this week or next week, that will include some new features as well, but I didn't want to wait for this.