viesti 2020-10-12T14:03:23.162300Z

Hmm, might have found an edge case in linter for format

viesti 2020-10-12T14:05:04.163400Z

from the docs at > Relative indexing is used when the format specifier contains a `'<'` ('\u003c') flag which causes the argument for the previous format specifier to be re-used.

borkdude 2020-10-12T14:06:52.164Z

Nice! Feel free to post an issue. You can ignore this using #{_:clj-kondo/ignore [:format]}

👍 1
borkdude 2020-10-12T20:10:25.164500Z

@viesti I now made the issue: I wonder why this feature is useful to anyone?

Michael W 2020-10-12T20:28:36.166100Z

What does clj-kondo mean here disambiguate?

(String. (b64/encode (.getBytes ^String "something")) "UTF-8")
Cannot disambiguate overloads of String

borkdude 2020-10-12T20:29:43.166600Z

@michael819 That error isn't coming from clj-kondo, more likely from Clojure itself

borkdude 2020-10-12T20:30:18.167100Z

Maybe b64/encode doesn't have a return type tag so you need to specify ^String probably (assuming it returns a string)

Michael W 2020-10-12T20:35:44.167600Z

It was a byte-array thanks for the pointer on that.