Heyo! I just learned that defprotocol
https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-888. Should clj-kondo help out with a linter here? If so, want me to raise a git issue?
yes please
Cool, thanks, raised: https://github.com/borkdude/clj-kondo/issues/1082
@lee It would help me if you could also make a suggestion for the specific error message, it will make me think less
Sure thing.
I'll also label it as PR welcome, but I'll get to it at some point if nobody else will take it
I’m distractible to a fault, so I’d better not take it on until I make some progress on rewrite-cljc. :simple_smile:
And I wouldn't want to distract you from that :)
Also… noticed that clj-kondo doesn’t seem to validate defrecord
functions? Maybe that’s covered by https://github.com/borkdude/clj-kondo/issues/140
yes, that's a TODO. I run into it myself sometimes, but quite rarely :)
Yeah, rewrite-clj uses protocols and records and that’s the only reason I noticed.
I'll put that in the high priority column, it's been sitting there long enough ;)