Should clj-kondo handle such things correctly?
@maxp clj-kondo doesn't know what defalias
is, but you can configure it to :lint-as
ok, thank you.
But as I remember there was no such warnings in honeysql... something was changed in last 2-3 weeks?
@maxp What changed is that clj-kondo can now detect unresolved vars in other namespaces
{:linters {:unresolved-var {:level :warning}}}
is the default setting
my default config now -
{taoensso.timbre [debug info warn]}}
{:exclude [taoensso.timbre]}}
mount.core/defstate clojure.core/def
garden.def/defstyles clojure.core/def
honeysql.util/defalias clojure.core/def
<|> clojure.core/defn
next.jdbc/with-transaction clojure.core/with-open}}
probably could help some one else...I think the next.jdbc one isn't needed anymore since clj-kondo now has built-in support for it, courtesy of seancorfield
o! really? ... that's good