I’m trying to install flycheck-clj-kondo in spacemacs like so:
M-x package-install flycheck-clj-kondo
but I’m not seeing the flycheck-clj-kondo listed in melpa packages
I do have the following in user-config
(require ’package) (add-to-list ‘package-archives ’(“melpa” . “https://melpa.org/packages/”) t) (package-initialize)
Have you tried package-refresh-contents ?
I'm not a spacemacs user, maybe try #spacemacs?
if all else fails, you can just manually download it to get started
I mean I have it installed with brew
want to use in spacemacs
I mean "it" = the elisp package
Does anyone here run clj-kondo on linux 5.10 (5.10.22_1 specifically)? After updating from 5.9, the clj-kondo linux binaries will segfault when passing --lint
i installed it using load-file etc.
But I don’t think it’s working
(defn foo [a b] 1)
doesn’t give me a warning@regen which binary are you using?
i tried the non static as well
@regen The static one is only intended for Alpine usage
The dynamic one should work. Make sure you remove the static one, so you are not accidentally using it
damn, you're right. I forgot to add ./
when testing the not static. Thanks for your help [=
Can someone using Cursive review this PR? https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/pull/1214