zendevil 2021-03-12T11:21:31.292Z

I’m trying to install flycheck-clj-kondo in spacemacs like so:

M-x package-install flycheck-clj-kondo

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:21:47.292500Z

but I’m not seeing the flycheck-clj-kondo listed in melpa packages

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:22:19.293100Z

I do have the following in user-config

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:22:20.293400Z

(require ’package) (add-to-list ‘package-archives ’(“melpa” . “”) t) (package-initialize)

borkdude 2021-03-12T11:22:23.293500Z

Have you tried package-refresh-contents ?

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:23:07.293700Z


borkdude 2021-03-12T11:24:06.294Z

I'm not a spacemacs user, maybe try #spacemacs?

borkdude 2021-03-12T11:24:39.294500Z

if all else fails, you can just manually download it to get started

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:26:51.294800Z

I mean I have it installed with brew

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:26:59.295Z

want to use in spacemacs

borkdude 2021-03-12T11:28:19.295200Z

I mean "it" = the elisp package

uosl 2021-03-12T11:34:28.296500Z

Does anyone here run clj-kondo on linux 5.10 (5.10.22_1 specifically)? After updating from 5.9, the clj-kondo linux binaries will segfault when passing --lint flag.

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:34:39.296800Z

i installed it using load-file etc.

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:34:45.297100Z

But I don’t think it’s working

zendevil 2021-03-12T11:35:51.297400Z

(defn foo [a b] 1)
doesn’t give me a warning

borkdude 2021-03-12T11:36:54.298Z

@regen which binary are you using?

uosl 2021-03-12T11:38:57.298200Z

uosl 2021-03-12T11:39:03.298500Z

i tried the non static as well

borkdude 2021-03-12T11:39:36.298900Z

@regen The static one is only intended for Alpine usage

borkdude 2021-03-12T11:39:55.299300Z

The dynamic one should work. Make sure you remove the static one, so you are not accidentally using it

uosl 2021-03-12T11:41:10.300Z

damn, you're right. I forgot to add ./ when testing the not static. Thanks for your help [=

borkdude 2021-03-12T14:09:06.300400Z

Can someone using Cursive review this PR?