Hello! I am getting an :unused-private-var
error for the code below:
(deftype ^:private SessionStore
[session-service] ...)
(defn db-store [this]
(SessionStore. this))
Is it something wrong with code on linter is false positive in this case?about the function db-store
I can't infer from your snippet that this function is used anywhere or not
sorry, corrected the example, about ns.some/->SessionStore
This is a false positive. Feel free to post an issue
I think clj-kondo never encountered a private deftype before
would it make sense for clj-kondo to resolve ns aliases in syntax-quoted forms?
eg. this compiles even though there's no str
alias in the namespace
(defmacro m [coll]
`(str/join ~(conj coll "hello")))
when called from another namespace, it expands to the literal symbol str/join
which is unresolved
I think that makes sense, but how can clj-kondo know str
is not a fully qualified namespace in general - heuristics?
I think single segment is probably a safe heuristic
Yeah, that was what I thought - or anything that's not explicitly :required by the namespace?
ok, so warning: "Missing alias: str" maybe then? yeah
I think this can work in general. Right now clj-kondo warns about "Unresolved namespace str" , but I think we could also change that to "Unresolved alias" instead in case of single segment
I can imagine a strange unhygenic macro which behaves differently according to the aliases of the ns which calls it
but that's probably very discouraged
yeah, in that case you can use #_:clj-kondo/ignore
The bug I ran into actually involved a multi-segment alias (`c2d.c` for clojure2d.color
) but I think that's a reasonable heuristic
eg. a macro-defining ns might want to use fully qualified vars without requiring the ns in advance
hmm, so this would still not have been caught for you right
Right now clj-kondo lets you use fully-qualified vars anywhere even though that might lead to subtle breakages with ns loading order - was that an explicit decision?
Can you give an example?
eg namespace A requires B and C, B requires D C refers to D/foo without explicitly requiring it, this works because D has been loaded in advance. Later on B drops the D requirement, causing A to break the next time you load it in a repl
(I've encountered this several times due to long-running repl sessions and shuffling namespaces around)
clj-kondo warns about namespaces that you have not explicitly required
e.g. when you type (clojure.string/join [:foo :bar])
without a require, you get a warning
oh..:face_palm: for some reason I didn't see that warning, might have been editor lag
could it just extend that analysis into syntax-quoted positions then?
I don't think that would be correct, since the namespace defining the macro isn't always the one who should require the namespace used in the macro expansion
although in 99% of the cases, maybe it should
hmm yeah, I wonder how often that happens in the wild
we can implement it as an optional linter and then see how much false positives we get
probably where a utility namespace is defining macros and would otherwise lead to circular requires
alright, should I open a GH issue?
Bug is created https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/issues/1222
is there a way to have clj-kondo print out the fully merged config it’s made? Trying to debug why my malli generated extra configs aren’t working & want to make sure they’re even being included
@tanzoniteblack you can view this from the REPL, when you invoke (clj-kondo.core/run! {:lint ["src"]})
, the return value will give you a map with :config
in it
hm…as far as I can tell this is correct, but the linter in the malli directory doesn’t actually seem to be running
:config {:config-paths ["configs/malli"],
:linters {:type-mismatch {:level :error},
:format {:level :warning},
:redundant-let {:level :warning},
:misplaced-docstring {:level :warning},
:missing-test-assertion {:level :warning},
:duplicate-set-key {:level :error},
:duplicate-map-key {:level :error},
:missing-clause-in-try {:level :warning},
:inline-def {:level :warning},
:missing-body-in-when {:level :warning},
:missing-docstring {:level :off},
:conflicting-alias {:level :error},
:unused-import {:level :warning},
:unbound-destructuring-default {:level :warning},
:syntax {:level :error},
:unused-namespace {:level :warning, :exclude ["taoensso.timbre"]},
:not-a-function {:level :error, :skip-args [korma.core/aggregate]},
:unresolved-namespace {:level :error},
:invalid-arity {:level :error,
:skip-args [yummly.util.korma-util/defentity-tagged
:constant-test-assertion {:level :warning},
:missing-map-value {:level :error},
:unreachable-code {:level :warning},
:redefined-var {:level :warning},
:unused-binding {:level :off}},
:lint-as {taoensso.timbre/debugf clojure.tools.logging/debugf,
taoensso.timbre/infof clojure.tools.logging/infof,
taoensso.timbre/warnf clojure.tools.logging/warnf,
taoensso.timbre/errorf clojure.tools.logging/errorf,
clojure.core.async/go-loop clojure.core/loop,
potemkin/defrecord+ clojure.core/defrecord},
:output {:exclude-files ["./test/yummly/util/tracing.clj"]},
:cfg-dir "/Users/ryan/Code/api/.clj-kondo"},
~/Code/api(introduce-malli:zap:)» cat .clj-kondo/configs/malli/config.edn -p
{:lint-as #:malli.schema{defn schema.core/defn}, :linters {:type-mismatch {:namespaces {yummly.data.recipe-collection {get-sort-by-order-hugsql {:arities {1 {:args [:string], :ret :string}}}}}}}}
if things are merged correctly, you should see the malli config in that returned config
oh. and I don’t
gotcha, this is what I needed to debug 🙂
what version of clj-kondo is this?
:config-paths ["configs/malli"]
at the top level does imply that I have a directory called .clj-kondo/configs/malli
figured it out. I’m using a custom config .clj-kondo/config-ci.edn
; but it looks like :config-paths
only gets picked up if .clj-kondo/config.edn
exists & specifies the key
so if I do
(clj-kondo.core/run! {:lint ["src"]
:config "/Users/ryan/Code/api/.clj-kondo/config-ci.edn"})
with :config-paths
in it, they don’t get picked upif we specify custom config paths, is there a reason we shouldn’t resolve and merge in this specified in :config-paths
? I can probably make a PR today or next week to handle that situation if you think it’s the right behavior
Can you lay this out step by step in an issue? I'm kind of swamped in all kinds of slack threads
I think you're on to something and it probably should be fixed, but github issue is best with some kind of small repro
Lunch and bunch of meetings first, then I'll make an issue for it