jay 2021-04-27T04:10:59.363900Z

Does clj-kondo support auto-fixing all the warnings? I wasn’t able to find anything around that in the docs, so just wanted to make sure

borkdude 2021-04-27T07:53:02.364400Z

@jay954 No. For automatically fixing stuff, I can recommend you take a look at #lsp

🚀 2
papachan 2021-04-27T13:29:39.365900Z

To allow a foo macro with clj-kondo lint do i have to macroexpand the macro at the beginning of the namespace every time? if there have many macro to register under clj-kondo what would be the steps to follow?

papachan 2021-04-27T15:20:27.366900Z

Oh just found how state-flow manage their macros with clj-kondo exports

jay 2021-04-27T16:56:59.367200Z

thank you! will check it out :thumbsup: