how can I make clj-kondo aware of Quil's defsketch
macro? it always flags the following symbol as "unresolved symbol" error
@julian608 depending on what the macro does, you can use :lint-as
. e.g. {:lint-as { clojure.core/def}}
some examples would help (the docs only give docs but no examples)
I see:
(defsketch my-sketch
:size [500 500]
:draw draw))
I think for this one you'll probably want to use clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
thanks! linting as def turns it into info "unused public var", and def-catch-all makes it accepted... will try it like that
Can clj-kondo also fix the things it reports? No, it only analyzes and reports, but clojure-lsp can use that data to fix :)