
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see

Trying to run clj on windows my coworker runs into a problem: clj doesn't seem to respect his aliases. So a clj -A:dev -Stree doesn't include the deps listed under the :dev alias. It works fine when the same deps are moved into the main deps, and the aliases works fine on linux. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any clues about what might be happening?

alexmiller 2019-02-04T14:38:41.057600Z

if you’re using the clj port, it’s entirely possible it has bugs

alexmiller 2019-02-04T14:39:29.058Z

figuring out where the bugs exist is part of getting this released


He says he got the clojure.exe from Cursives installation, I'll dig deeper. We tried to use the installer from the windows-port branch of brew-install, but we didn't find out how to build the installer (i.e. replace the version numbers)


I will try to get something more reproducable.

alexmiller 2019-02-04T14:57:01.060900Z

well, I don’t know what that is then

mseddon 2019-02-05T09:18:24.064Z

Cursive does not ship an .exe, they invoke the tools jar directly from within the IDE. I think that executable has been accidentally installed through some other means


Ok, thanks for clearing that!

👍 1
alexmiller 2019-02-04T14:57:41.061400Z

more info on the clj port in (linked in the room topic)


A great, there is says how to build it, we'll try!

👍 1
mseddon 2019-02-04T20:39:02.063Z

That .exe smells like

mseddon 2019-02-04T20:52:01.063400Z

Have asked cfleming if he's shipping a nonstandard version with cursive. Will report back.


Quick writeup of my experiments tonight: I managed to get my hands on a Windows machine to try the windows-port branch of the scripts in the brew-install repo. I did get the clj script to give me a REPL, but I didn't get it to use a deps.edn file. I took the following steps - Build the install scripts and upload them to a s3-bucket using script/ on my Linux workstation. - Download and extract the file, i.e. I didn't manage to get the win-install.ps1 to do the download for me. - Install java separately (maybe obvious, but wasn't to me). - Apply Jacob Morzinski's patches - Execute the install script with powershell -executionpolicy bypass clojure-tools\win-install.ps1 When I add a deps.edn file with a dependency, the clj script fails because it can't find the file with the cached classpath. I think it's because it didn't compute the correct checksum, but I don't have time to debug it further tonight. To be continued.


Thank you for the pointer!