
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see
ajoberstar 2019-02-27T00:28:33.039900Z

@alexmiller I'm taking a look through the current scripts to get a grips on the starting point. One thing I'm noticing is that a lot of the bash and powershell logic is argument parsing and then delegating to various Clojure commands. Would it ease the maintenance (and be acceptable) if much of that logic moved into Clojure code in tools.deps.alpha? It seems tricker to ensure the scripts behave the same with so much behavior in platform-specific scripts.

ajoberstar 2019-02-27T00:29:32.041Z

As for installation path, my initial thought would be to package as a PowerShell module and potentially put on PowerShell Gallery. However, as you note in the issue it's best to assemble the options and list out the pros/cons, so just an initial thought at this point.

alexmiller 2019-02-27T00:49:41.042Z

Generally re tda, no - things are split where they are pretty intentionally to avoid starting a jvm

alexmiller 2019-02-27T00:50:53.043500Z

The power shell scripts require references to the jar location so I’m not sure how easy that is to do with the gallery (which I don’t know anything about)

alexmiller 2019-02-27T00:51:22.044400Z

The number one priority in my mind is to make the installer script we have work

alexmiller 2019-02-27T00:52:00.045400Z

I think probably chocolatey is next best easiest target although something self installing would be good too

ajoberstar 2019-02-27T02:18:46.048700Z

Re: avoiding a JVM start, got it

ajoberstar 2019-02-27T02:19:52.050Z

On Gallery, the main reason I mention it is that PowerShell comes with the PowerShell Gallery already registered and install would be as simple as "Install-Module Clojure". However, packaging as a PowerShell module could be distributed via self-install, chocolatey, or PSGallery.

ajoberstar 2019-02-27T02:22:50.052900Z

As for the existing install script, I saw you mention that its been a while since you worked on it so you can't recall the exact state. Is the assumption that the clojure.ps1 script is relatively solid and its more of a packaging/install issue at this point? I did manage to get a REPL started with the clojure.ps1 script. I can hand run whatever comes to mind as I'm playing around, but are there any specific tests that you have that should pass before this is considered ready?

alexmiller 2019-02-27T02:23:35.053700Z

I have not tested it at all. it is likely that stuff is broken. someone needs to exhaustively test that each of the features works

alexmiller 2019-02-27T02:24:07.054Z

so if you clj -h, there's a bunch of options

ajoberstar 2019-02-27T02:25:28.054500Z

Sure, will review and let you know if I have further questions

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