Hi folks! I was really excited to see the Journal 2019.10 article on clj for Windows. I had tried to get that working last year and I just didn't know enough about the new clj tools or PowerShell to make any progress. It's great that people kept pushing on this and I really appreciate the effort by Alex and Sean and others.
Biggest thanks to @ajoberstar !
If I can make a suggestion, I really have liked https://scoop.sh/ as a way to install command line (especially developer-style) tools on Windows. I created a Scoop manifest for the clj tools and it seems to work great, especially from cmd.exe, which is where I do most of my command line work. Doesn't fix the PowerShell execution errors, but it doesn't make them any worse either. Note that you do not get the PowerShell errors when running clj/clojure from cmd.exe, since the wrapper I put into the Scoop manifest tells PowerShell to bypass the execution policy (which is I think what we want here?).
Try this if you are curious (after installing Scoop): scoop install <https://gist.githubusercontent.com/malyn/98973db594061ab57a8222432b8074d9/raw/53554e5301a975596d70d5dea5577b6486def619/clojure.json>
Best way to capture this with a jira ticket
Okay. Add it to the existing one, or make a new one?
New one
Will do.
Interesting. I'd never heard of Scoop before today. Chocolatey is pretty much the only package management I'd heard of for Windows (and I don't even use that).
BTW, the Twitter poll I ran got 90 votes: cmd.exe
and PowerShell were neck-and-neck with 29/28% and WSL/Linux was ahead with 43%. Four replies mentioned GitBash. Five replies mentioned PowerShell in combination with other things (I would expect they voted for PS anyway).
So that's pretty inconclusive as far as priorities go I think 🙂
Oh good :)
I have used Chocolatey quite a bit, but its pretty heavyweight and is mostly useful for things that require full Windows installs. Scoop is nice in that it basically just finds a way to get binaries onto your path without a lot of overhead. It took me a while to find Scoop as well (Chocolatey is really well know for some reason). Maybe Scoop just needs better marketing. 🙂
is it possible to integrate this with Cursive right now?
(by this I mean clj on windows)
Cursive already has support for Windows by invoking tools.deps directly
have you tried that?
ups, totally missed that. Thank you!