as an intermediate idea for Windows but possibly also other problematic OSes, might a clojure-cli.jar work, that you can just start with java -jar clojure-cli.jar
? Not as fast, but at least you've got something to work with. And that jar could possible work with GraalVM at some point
what would a fairly complex command line look like though ... maybe double escaping of the java parts
pff yeah
how is it with a graalvm executable ?
do you make your own command line ? or are there soem default switches and options
not so easy, we're figuring out which dlls are needed on other systems than the system where the binary is compiled
for command line there are several libraries you could use, I chose to just roll my own simple parser
so you don't have to work around existing stuff like with the java executable
i'm keeping an eye on the graalvm channel, been following your woes
Trying to install Clojure on Win 7 with this script. I changed the protocol to 'Tls' , but I don't how to get past this error.
@paulgureghian What error are you getting with the PS script?
I think most folks who've tried the script are using Windows 10...
Hmm, I wonder if Invoke-WebRequest
is relatively new in Powershell?