
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see
carkh 2019-07-24T00:35:14.125100Z

@seancorfield just a quick question, where do you put this system wide deps.edn you have on github ? You wouldn't be putting it in the powershell module, would you ? (along with the ClojureTools.psd1 and psm1)

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:08:48.125700Z

@carkh It's my user-level deps file -- ~/.clojure/deps.edn on macOS/Linux

carkh 2019-07-24T01:09:09.126100Z

so no windows ?

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:09:31.126600Z

...just looking at where exactly it is on PS...

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:09:52.127Z

PS C:\Users\sean> clojure -Sdescribe                                                                                    
{:version ""
 :config-files ["C:\Users\sean\.clojure\deps.edn" "deps.edn"]

carkh 2019-07-24T01:10:08.127400Z

alright good news, thanks ! ai'm on vacation so actually making

carkh 2019-07-24T01:10:40.128300Z

an installer, don't want to go around deleting people's data

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:10:53.128600Z

(there's no system level deps file in the latest clj installer)

carkh 2019-07-24T01:11:11.128900Z

hum we're beyond 466 ?

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:11:45.129500Z

^ didn't have it, according to that output

carkh 2019-07-24T01:12:01.130Z

i guess i have it somehow =)

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:12:07.130300Z

(but then I think they put it back and will remove it again later)

carkh 2019-07-24T01:12:32.131200Z

i think its not its place to be in the ClojureTools ps module (in any event)

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:12:34.131300Z

(clojure-env) has been deprecated and that was the shelling out to clj part to find the three deps files.

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:13:28.132300Z

The clj installer (used to) put the system-level deps file inside the installation, and create the user-level file if it did not exist.

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:13:37.132600Z

It never overwrote anyone's files.

carkh 2019-07-24T01:14:16.133600Z

ok so here is what i'm doing, microsoft advises to create a module in your installation directory rather than using the standard places

seancorfield 2019-07-24T01:14:18.133800Z

My dot-clojure deps file is not system-wide, it is user-level.

carkh 2019-07-24T01:14:22.133900Z

these palces are for your own modules

carkh 2019-07-24T01:14:46.134300Z

so i'm deleting old modules to prevent duplicate entries

carkh 2019-07-24T01:15:00.134700Z

but i COULD preserve an eventual deps.edn

carkh 2019-07-24T01:15:14.135Z

though it's much work for the 3 windows users

carkh 2019-07-24T01:15:53.135300Z

let's call it user wide then

carkh 2019-07-24T01:15:55.135500Z


carkh 2019-07-24T01:16:09.135900Z

anyways thanks !