
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see
carkh 2019-07-25T02:09:53.137200Z

Please test, comment


downloaded the exe from the release, started it up and i see an hourglass. there is some indication of a dialog not responding. will terminate and try again.

carkh 2019-07-25T03:00:36.138400Z


carkh 2019-07-25T03:01:16.138900Z

hum did you accept the windows user access control ?

carkh 2019-07-25T03:01:27.139400Z

sometimes it remains in the background


didn't even see that -- but unblocking via properties is yielding saner behavior

carkh 2019-07-25T03:02:44.140400Z

i'm afraid i don't quite understand the problem

carkh 2019-07-25T03:02:54.140700Z

how was it blocked ?

carkh 2019-07-25T03:02:59.141Z

and what properties?


from windows explorer


the default on this machine for downloaded things appears to be to "mark" things blocked

carkh 2019-07-25T03:03:30.142100Z

ohhh ok

carkh 2019-07-25T03:03:38.142300Z

i didn't know that even was a thing !




from windows powershell, i can see output for clj -h


but not from powershell core

carkh 2019-07-25T03:04:35.143200Z


carkh 2019-07-25T03:05:05.143600Z

try [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath")


from cmd.exe it works


pardon me as i do this slowly as this is via a vm 🙂

carkh 2019-07-25T03:05:34.144400Z

i'm very glad that you test it at all =)


actually, it's via rdp 🙂

carkh 2019-07-25T03:06:02.144900Z


carkh 2019-07-25T03:07:01.145700Z

there is a bug in ClojureTools (the powershell stuff made by cognitect and which i use there)

carkh 2019-07-25T03:07:27.146400Z

if you start powershell, it will first look at the path instead of inside powershell for the clj and clojrue commands


this is what i saw: C:\Users\user\Documents\PowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules;c:\program files\powershell\6\Modules;C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules

carkh 2019-07-25T03:07:53.147Z

ok the install was not successfull


ah, why does it work for windows powershell, i wonder? old things remaining?

carkh 2019-07-25T03:08:34.147900Z

the program shoudl at least be in c:\program files\clojure

carkh 2019-07-25T03:08:56.148500Z

yes, something prevented the powershell install scripts to run, that's very fiddly


i see a c:\program files\clojure here with some files and such


should i try running the installer again?

carkh 2019-07-25T03:09:57.149600Z

i don't think this would change anything, but you may try =)


ha ha ha

carkh 2019-07-25T03:11:09.150600Z

the installer runs powershell scripts, to do this it has to first edit the registry for the users that disallow it, that's 2 points of failure

carkh 2019-07-25T03:11:40.150900Z

though i tested it with maximum security here

carkh 2019-07-25T03:12:17.151200Z

what version of windows are you running ?


windows 10 pro

carkh 2019-07-25T03:13:13.151700Z

same as mine


for completeness, here's the output of power shell core:

Invoke-Clojure : The term 'Invoke-Clojure' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
At line:1 char:1
+ Invoke-Clojure -h
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Invoke-Clojure:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

carkh 2019-07-25T03:13:44.152300Z

ah so your clj command is from the unofficial tool


it is? i thought i uninstalled it -- i'll check


for reference this is 1903 of windows 10

carkh 2019-07-25T03:14:27.153200Z

check your path environment variable to find it

carkh 2019-07-25T03:14:52.153600Z

or where.exe clj

carkh 2019-07-25T03:16:00.153900Z

how do you run two powershells on the same machine ?

carkh 2019-07-25T03:16:05.154100Z

that's another point of failure


where clj yields no output


i have the default windows powershell and powershell core

carkh 2019-07-25T03:16:47.155200Z

ok so you have it installed in windows powershell and not on powershell core

carkh 2019-07-25T03:17:11.155600Z

the output of [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath") was on which one ?


that was for powershell core


ah, i had your wrapper installed too -- got rid of that just now

carkh 2019-07-25T03:18:13.156600Z

may i ask that you try the same command on regular powershell ?


ofc, just a sec



windows power shell

C:\Users\user\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules;C:\Program Files\Clojure\Modules

powershell core

C:\Users\user\Documents\PowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules;c:\program files\powershell\6\Modules;C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules

carkh 2019-07-25T03:20:48.157300Z

aha ! there it is !

carkh 2019-07-25T03:20:57.157600Z

so the install succeeded on regular powershell

carkh 2019-07-25T03:21:16.158Z

and now the final test, try running clojure or clj from a regular cmd prompt


ah, that worked -- but will try it again for fun


yes, worked again

carkh 2019-07-25T03:22:19.159500Z

ok so it works indeed, just not on powershell core, I must admit i have no clue at all about that beast =)


i presume you meant via cmd.exe

carkh 2019-07-25T03:22:24.159800Z


carkh 2019-07-25T03:22:42.160300Z

i guess they're not using the same registry entries etc


i don't know what will happen ofc, but my sense is that ms wants to move to powershell core


they even advertise it when you start windows powershell 🙂

carkh 2019-07-25T03:23:28.161500Z

i'm not sure, that's a step in the unix world, but they do not provide the same security guaranties with powershell core

carkh 2019-07-25T03:24:14.162500Z

hum not on my machine, but my version is nowhere close to the latest


ah, btw, it's been a really long time since i've used inno setup, but was it possible to show the details of installation during the installation (like a text windows that can have its content copied)?


i think my windows powershell is 5.2.1

carkh 2019-07-25T03:24:49.163300Z

nope that's nullsoft install that allows that i think


ah, ok


i don't remember nsis being particularly easy to think in 🙂

carkh 2019-07-25T03:25:28.164100Z

5.1 here

carkh 2019-07-25T03:25:53.164600Z

yes that language is like a strange breed of forth


your installer page mentioned one other choice i hadn't heard of

carkh 2019-07-25T03:26:42.165300Z

Wix is both feet in microsoft land

carkh 2019-07-25T03:26:56.165600Z

with all the craziness that goes along with it


ah, i see

carkh 2019-07-25T03:27:32.166400Z

their help page is describing properties like this : this will give you access to feature 51 or 54




i guess i can do some research at:

carkh 2019-07-25T03:29:20.167500Z

I think it's the more versatile one

carkh 2019-07-25T03:29:37.167800Z

but you have to do more work for the same result

carkh 2019-07-25T03:31:04.168900Z

if you're real bent on obtaining a log file from this install,i think there is a /log option you can start it with


i don't personally have difficulty with inno setup as a former user, but i can imagine other folks not being too keen


ah, thanks for the tip on the log option

carkh 2019-07-25T03:31:41.169900Z

you mean because of the license ?


the lack of source, i was thinking

carkh 2019-07-25T03:32:24.170600Z

true enough

carkh 2019-07-25T03:33:22.171200Z

the hard part about doing this installer was more the dance with powershell security, it wouldn't be that hard to change to nullsoft


ah, it's good to hear you seem to have gotten the hard part working 🙂

carkh 2019-07-25T03:37:02.171900Z

not that hard though =)

carkh 2019-07-25T03:38:03.172700Z

the idea is to maybe dump it on cognitect so i want it to be easy to maintain, they already have quite a burden to bear with clojure


my mistake, apparently inno setup source is available:


carkh 2019-07-25T03:39:54.174100Z

oh so they're open source but not free software, though free as in beer