
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see
Narve Saetre 2020-01-15T13:21:31.064700Z

Hello everybody! I could use some help here: At work I am stuck on a Windows computer without admin privileges and with a crappy corporate network that prevents my java installation from accessing https-resources. This means that even though I've installed clj-on-windows, clj fails to start a REPL (fails with PKIX path building failed etc). The same goes for lein repl. Then I tried downloading the clojure jar, and ran java.exe -jar C:\java\clojure-1.11.0-master-20200108.060116-388.jar. That fails with missing classes (Caused by: Could not locate clojure/spec/alpha__init.class, clojure/spec/alpha.clj or clojure/spec/alpha.cljc on classpath.). The same problems prevents me from building clojure using mvn. May I suggest that 1. A link to the clojure jar(s) are added to the web page 2. Some documentation on running a clojure repl using only JDK (and not requiring internet) is provided?

Narve Saetre 2020-01-17T07:30:11.000100Z

Re corporate network: Yeah, I know this should work but it does not. The company admins are somewhere in India and not very helpful 🙂 I'll try scoop - thanks for the suggestion!

Narve Saetre 2020-01-21T08:17:10.031500Z

@ales.najmann So, I tried scoop. Very smooth installation process - impressive!! I seems to have installed clojure properly, but... ... unfortunately, it suffers from the same problem: It does not really install clojure, just prepares for installation, right? So when it tries to actually download and install clojure, it fails with the same https errors.

littleli 2020-01-21T09:51:10.033200Z

yeah, I haven't look inside but I my guess is it downloads required jars and that's where it fails. I'm sorry I cannot help you at the moment 😞 but I feel with you as I was working for a company who was not able to setup transparent proxy and the experience was terrible.

Narve Saetre 2020-01-21T09:54:30.033400Z

I got babashka to work so now I have a REPL. That's all I need on this computer 🙂

littleli 2020-01-21T10:24:40.033600Z


littleli 2020-01-15T15:13:48.064900Z

Add corporate network. Usually, this requires to setup HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables to proper value. Your company admins should help you with this. To install Clojure properly I would be interested in result of installation procedure using scoop installer. Instructions here:

littleli 2020-01-15T15:14:54.065200Z

It should be eventually possible to install scoop package manager as it does not require admin privileges. The network can still be tricky.