
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see
littleli 2020-01-20T21:02:15.024300Z

trying REBL on my Windows box. So far so good. I didn't have opportunity to try it before. @seancorfield you can check if you want. I updated manifest to the newest Clojure installation (


@ales.najmann which jdk did you try with?

littleli 2020-01-20T21:54:16.025900Z

adoptopenjdk-lts-hotspot from java bucket


thanks. just got that working. haven't had much luck with the jdk8 line of things yet. may be there are some missing bits.


btw, do you use anything to switch among various jdks? apart from manually setting env vars, that is.

littleli 2020-01-20T22:03:47.026700Z

Not on Windows, there I just stick to 11 LTS. On Mac I swithc between versions using JAVA_HOME and changing symlinks from time to time when I really need something extra.



littleli 2020-01-20T22:11:10.027100Z

I don't specifically plan to return back to 8. Company just upgraded to 11 at minimum. Graalvm is released for Java 11. And I no longer develop for Android. So no reasons.


nice unfortunately, to do building of things like babashka, i still have to use 8

seancorfield 2020-01-20T22:31:02.027600Z

I used the Azul OpenJDK 8 w/JFX bundle for REBL.

seancorfield 2020-01-20T22:31:29.027800Z

Now I'm on Adopt OpenJDK 11 so I just use the OpenJFX 11 dependencies.

littleli 2020-01-20T22:31:44.028Z

yes, that works nicely

seancorfield 2020-01-20T22:33:04.028200Z

FWIW, I have a few legacy processes that require JDK 8 so I use JAVA_HOME on macOS to select 8 for those in their startup scripts locally and in Tomcat's bin/ on the two servers that need that.


@seancorfield thanks for mentioning azul's offerring i will try that. for switching environments in *nix environments there seem to be a number of options (though i didn't like jenv or sdkman very much). i've been using graal's with a tweak or two (this doesn't really work for windows' cmd.exe or ps afaict) tomcat's bin/ doesn't handle use from cmd.exe or powershell does it?


ah may be there is a setenv.bat...

seancorfield 2020-01-20T22:40:02.028800Z

No idea. All our servers are Linux and my current primary dev env is macOS.



seancorfield 2020-01-20T22:41:07.029200Z

We only recently upgraded from Adopt OpenJDK 8 to Adopt OpenJDK 11 on QA/production -- so many libraries and server packages we used took a long time to be JDK 9+ compatible 😞

seancorfield 2020-01-20T22:41:27.029400Z

Now, only our legacy CFML apps require JDK 8 🙂


going from 8 to 11 seems to have been it related largely to the module-related changes?


ah, the zulu openjdk8 + fx seems to work on windows with rebl :thumbsup: thanks again for the tip.

seancorfield 2020-01-20T23:37:15.030100Z

8 to 9 was really the big jump (due to modules, yes, specifically the change around the core JDK). 9 onward has been relatively straightforward. Another set of changes for us -- again 8 to 9 -- was the overall of GC logging so the set of options we used to start the JVM (for years) caused the JVM to not start because they'd made several long-standing options illegal (and there was no legal set of overlapping options we could use on both 8 and 9 so it was a painful upgrade because we had to do a bunch of manual changes around a JVM restart).

seancorfield 2020-01-20T23:38:11.030300Z

We'd been testing against 11 on and off for about a year I think (but hadn't tested all the production JVM options -- that was my bad!) so we'd been slowly tracking toward compatibility.