
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see
borkdude 2020-02-03T12:11:10.030200Z

@ales.najmann has just added bootleg to scoop-clojure (

C:\>scoop install bootleg 
C:\>type foo.clj
  [:h1 "A simple webpage"]
  [:p "Made with bootleg for maximum powers!"]]]
C:\>bootleg foo.clj
<html><body><h1>A simple webpage</h1><p>Made with bootleg for maximum powers!</p></body></html>

littleli 2020-02-03T12:15:49.031600Z

Do you mind if I try atom feed with releases of scoop to this channel?

littleli 2020-02-03T12:16:23.031700Z

I honestly don't know exactly how much annoying this gonna be, but we can try and disable if it is going to be bad.

borkdude 2020-02-03T12:16:53.032Z

I don't have an opinion on that

littleli 2020-02-03T12:19:07.032100Z

ah so it needs to be added by owner, which makes sense. feed is if owner wants to try

seancorfield 2020-02-03T19:37:41.032300Z

The admin team is not keen on adding feeds anywhere because a) they can be real noisy and only really appropriate for very narrow focused channels and b) if we add them for one project, we're going to get flooded with requests to add them all over the place.

littleli 2020-02-03T22:32:02.032500Z

Got it. I don't think it's important 🙂