
For those interested in making clj on Windows Also see

I prefer what you did


Or even just inside a .clj-kondo folder in the homedir


As an example, currently on my windows machine, my homedir has no .config but it has .sqlworkbench, .vscode, .lein, .git, etc.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:32:40.050200Z

I decided to switch my (old) laptop from WSL1 to WSL2, and ended up installing Ubuntu 20 and now I'm rebuilding my Clojure dev env on WSL2... Sigh. Yak. Shave. Yak. Shave.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:39:05.051300Z

Install homebrew for Linux, install gcc, install clj-kondo, install jdk, install clojure, install atom... Oh, hey, look, with Xlaunch I can run the Linux version of Atom on WSL!


@seancorfield What is XLaunch?

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:45:10.051900Z

A free X11 server for Windows.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:45:39.052600Z

I run REBL that way and figured it might be interesting to try to run Atom that way too.


Is it the same thing as VcXsrv ?


I've been running FireFox and Emacs through my windows x server without issues. They both feel like native apps.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:49:10.054100Z

Yup, it's a version of VcXsrv

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:49:25.054400Z

Kind of amazing how it all works so seamlessly


Also apparently they are working on official Wayland support, so eventually I think we won't even need an additional X server. But ya, I've been really impressed with WSL 2

seancorfield 2020-09-10T04:51:12.055400Z

Yeah, that was mentioned in the opening welcome to wslconf today.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T14:33:00.056100Z

@borkdude I wasn't awake early enough to catch all of you talk, but it looked great from the part I saw.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T14:33:25.056700Z

I didn't realize that you did all your dev on a remote machine like that!

alexmiller 2020-09-10T14:36:02.057Z

if there's a video, please post!

borkdude 2020-09-10T14:39:44.057300Z

slides: video is coming later

borkdude 2020-09-10T14:40:06.057800Z

I don't do all of my dev remotely, but for parts that are resource intensive I do. Having access to a powerful linux machine and/or Windows machine is very handy. Also when you need to test Windows things quickly.

borkdude 2020-09-10T14:54:06.058700Z

Oh geeze, the video is already up: @alexmiller @seancorfield

seancorfield 2020-09-10T14:55:29.058900Z

Nice! Thank you!

seancorfield 2020-09-10T14:57:40.061Z

I may try to take good notes as I set up my new Windows laptop on Friday and write up a blog post about setting up Clojure dev on WSL2. But I suspect I'll be too excited once it arrives Thursday afternoon/evening and I'll just dive right in! 🙂 That was partly why I switched my older laptop over to WSL2 last night, to get a feel of what might need to be done.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T14:59:44.062900Z

Kohei Ota's talk from session one was really good too. He went from a local macOS dev env to Windows when he joined HP, so he talked about building a local dev env with WSL2 to get a Mac-like experience. He also picked VS Code, but with their WSL "remote" extension experience.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T15:00:58.064100Z

I'm going to experiment with running Atom from Linux via X and see how I like it. I'm too used to Atom and my various code-based configuration to switch to VS Code at this point.

seancorfield 2020-09-10T15:02:32.065200Z

I'll watch your talk from the beginning after I've fed the cats and had a coffee -- I don't normally get up until nearly 9 am (so I was awake almost two hours early to try to catch your talk @borkdude 🙂 )

borkdude 2020-09-10T15:02:52.065600Z

I'm honored - I'm not too good at early mornings myself ;)

alexmiller 2020-09-10T15:07:58.066Z

thx, I'll watch when I get a chance

borkdude 2020-09-10T15:13:36.066300Z

cool, let me know what you think

borkdude 2020-09-10T15:27:18.066500Z

@seancorfield I also took some notes here:

seancorfield 2020-09-10T15:28:53.066900Z

Thanks! Added to my reading list for later today 🙂

borkdude 2020-09-10T15:29:31.067300Z

I didn't list Calva + the VSCode ssh extension there, but it's crazy good for working on a remote machine

borkdude 2020-09-10T15:31:01.068100Z

They have a similar extension for working in Docker containers and WSL (which you mentioned today earlier).

seancorfield 2020-09-10T15:44:24.068800Z

Also, for folks interested in WSL in more depth, here's the playlist from the earlier WSL conference (May 2020, I believe):

seancorfield 2020-09-10T15:45:06.069400Z

Several of the current WSL conf talks are already posted here

chucklehead 2020-09-10T15:55:29.071500Z

not sure if your xps is a hidpi screen so you may have already dealt with this, but you may have some dpi issues with the surface laptop and trying to run Atom as a forwarded X app.

borkdude 2020-09-10T15:59:48.072500Z

X410 also has some settings for this. It's not free, but only 10$ or so and has a trial period

borkdude 2020-09-10T16:00:07.073Z

I do have similar problems with tunneling to my laptop, but that's because XQuartz doesn't support Retina

seancorfield 2020-09-10T17:42:52.074300Z

I've heard of folks running into this on macOS with OpenJFX and I've seen the JVM property for dealing with gtk scaling but hadn't thought about it for Windows. Thanks @chuck.cassel! Bookmarked.

lread 2020-09-10T19:00:16.074600Z

Excellent talk @borkdude! Thanks!

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