From a PS session where you haven't run any clj commands this should work Get-Module -Name ClojureTools | Split-Path | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-Module -Name ClojureTools doesn't return anything. even in Get-InstalledModule. but in Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/, there's a ClojureTools.
I plan to install clojure via scoop, since that's the way I installed most of my tools.
Can I just delete the ClojureTools in Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/?
yeah, the installer script just unzips a ps module there
ok. thank you. i just thought deleting it may cause some problems in the future that's why i want to know the right way to uninstall the ps module
unfortunately AFAIK there's no generic way in PowerShell (other than just deleting the folder) general PS just searches for modules in the paths registered in $env:PSModulePath
. For things installed via install-package/install-module you can use uninstall-module, some modules just install into one of the default locations, some ship installers that add app folders to $env:PSModulePath
, etc.