I now see it as a feature to have documentation based on the artifact version. I can update docs on master for features that are not yet released, so I say: read the docs for your version on cljdoc 🙂 I know I have been asking for a feature to update the docs afterwards when you made a mistake, but the default behavior really comes in handy too
If anyone wants to help out, I'd love to get the docs for yetibot working but this currently stalls and does nothing:
cd modules/analysis-runner
clj -m cljdoc.analysis.runner-ng '{:project "yetibot/yetibot", :version "0.5.18", :jarpath "<https://repo.clojars.org/yetibot/yetibot/0.5.18/yetibot-0.5.18.jar>", :pompath "<https://repo.clojars.org/yetibot/yetibot/0.5.18/yetibot-0.5.18.pom>", :repos {"clojars" {:url "<https://repo.clojars.org/>"}, "central" {:url "<http://central.maven.org/maven2/>"}}}'