Hello! I am curious, shouldn't I get docs generated here: https://cljdoc.org/d/cc.qbits/tape/0.3.0-beta1/doc/readme ?
Oh nevermind I just saw the build failure
I ll try to start from that
oh I think I got it: > Used dependencies for analysis: > org.clojure/clojure 1.9.0
and it doesn't know about Datafiable as a result
There are issues with regards to what version of clojure is chosen. Versions above 1.9 should be picked up as declared in the jar’s POM file but there have been reports that this isn’t happening consistently.
If you want to take a look at the code search for deps.clj in the cljdoc codebase
will do thx
Hey there, I am trying to build the mxnet docs with cljdoc and it seems to run into issues with CircleCI: * https://circleci.com/gh/cljdoc/builder/5807 * org.apache.mxnet/mxnet-full_2.11-linux-x86_64-cpu, version 1.4.1 Any pointers on how to make it work?