cljdoc &
lread 2019-07-13T20:21:40.108300Z

Heya! I am happily writing up some asciidocs for a project that will eventually end up on cljdocs. I have been using a browser extension ( to test locally and now am verifying locally with cljdocs itself. I am noticing that some formatting is stronger from the browser plugin. Actually the browser plugin seems to almost match the asciidoctor docs, so I can point there for examples.

lread 2019-07-13T20:22:34.109600Z

One example is the callout formatting. Quite nice from asciidoctor, but not nearly as obvious from cljdocs when I am testing locally.

lread 2019-07-13T20:25:21.110800Z

We get the nice strong black numbered circles on asscidoctor and instead text like (1) that does not catch the eye as well from cljdoc.

lread 2019-07-13T20:28:28.112100Z

Also, source code blocks can have a title, this is pretty clear in this example: but the title appears, in my testing, as normal text for cljdoc.

lread 2019-07-13T20:30:24.113300Z

Anyway, I am happy to raise illustrative git issues (and fix if you are interested) if you agree that these types of changes are of interest.

martinklepsch 2019-07-13T20:45:58.113700Z

Totally of interest 👌🙌

lread 2019-07-13T20:49:49.113900Z

Coolio will doolio!

😊 1
🦜 1
lread 2019-07-13T20:59:59.118300Z

I’m currently struggling with how to express a root relative link in asciidocs (in general, nothing cljdoc specific here). This would allow me to have a link that automatically works when testing locally with cljdoc and after it was published. My use case is linking from an article to an api. I’d like to say link:/d/clj-commons/rewrite-cljc/CURRENT/api/rewrite-cljc/parse[parse API docs] instead of <>[parse API docs] Anybody know if this can work in asciidocs?

martinklepsch 2019-07-13T21:02:55.120Z

I’m not sure I fully understand. Would you like to use relative links in the source document?

lread 2019-07-13T21:07:22.121300Z

I was thinking relative from the root (aka domain) would be cleanest, but I don’t think asciidoc can do those. I’ll poke around a bit more.

lread 2019-07-13T21:19:35.122900Z

Oh hmm… I should probably not use root relative because my docs will also be read from github.

martinklepsch 2019-07-13T21:27:07.125600Z

Yeah, that’s something I’d like to support if possible - if possible docs should be readable on GitHub/etc. that’s why all the relative link rewriting stuff is in place for articles

martinklepsch 2019-07-13T21:27:50.127Z

Potentially we could rewrite source file links to their respective API docs but there will be other trade offs around that decision

lread 2019-07-13T21:44:31.128Z

I’m going to happily abandon my little relative link quest for now. Does not seem worth it. :simple_smile: