cljdoc &
djanus 2020-01-21T13:52:00.007700Z

Hey! How soon these days should cljdoc be able to generate documentation for a jar newly pushed to Clojars?

djanus 2020-01-21T13:52:33.008300Z

I've pushed one yesterday afternoon (around 22 hours ago) but cljdoc still shows documentation for an old one

djanus 2020-01-21T13:52:55.008900Z

I'm wondering whether this is because the jar in question is a -SNAPSHOT

martinklepsch 2020-01-21T14:04:39.009900Z

@dj942 snapshots aren’t rebuilt with every push, to rebuild you can use the hidden rebuild button (top right of the page, left of the github link)

djanus 2020-01-21T14:05:22.010300Z

Ooh, thanks!

djanus 2020-01-21T14:06:24.011400Z

Let me also ask a question here that I posted to #docs:

djanus 2020-01-21T16:16:11.013200Z

Hmm, I used the hidden rebuild button, and it appears to have failed...

djanus 2020-01-21T16:16:12.013400Z

djanus 2020-01-21T16:16:42.013800Z

the CircleCI logs say Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.clojure:core.async:jar:0.4.474

djanus 2020-01-21T16:17:34.014500Z

maybe I'll try upgrading core.async and see what happens

lispyclouds 2020-01-21T16:46:34.015500Z

@dj942 this seems to be an global error. Like the messages above

Avichal 2020-01-21T17:58:36.017Z

@dj942 @rahul080327 were you able to build it locally? Reading this error msg Failed to read artifact descriptor seems like something might be wrong with the sever too.

Avichal 2020-01-21T18:00:31.017600Z

There is a doc as well to setup cljdoc locally:

djanus 2020-01-21T18:01:07.017800Z

I experimented with that yesterday, but docker doesn't seem to like me 😞

djanus 2020-01-21T18:01:21.018100Z

I'll retry.